Chapter 31 - Confrontation

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Dear Miss Emily Potter,

Frightfully sorry to just now write to you, it has come to my attention that you and Percy are no longer in a relationship. My sincere apologies for the grave news I am about to unfold in this letter. As you well know, he has an unwavering devotion to the ministry thus the minister himself, but it may disgust you on how strong his devotion is. It's true that Percy Weasley did love you, but that was only an incentive on his main goal which was to spy on you and your brother to leak information into the minister's ear.

I apologize for being the bearer of bad news, but it is the truth. Earlier this morning he has left his post and upon his departure from the office, I saw that he was holding a ticket to Platform 9 ¾ please remain aware of your surroundings and alert your brother. I fear that someone wicked is upon us.

Yours sincerely,

Jason Dawlish

It was 8 o' clock in the morning when Emily received the letter from Jason Dawlish. She had never in the 15 years of her life wanted to be comatose so she could escape Percy's business meeting in Hogwarts. It made her stomach twist and twirl inside of her, she could literally just close herself off from the world and hide in the showers until he leaves. But she knew deep inside that he'd call her name and have her dragged out for them to talk. Percy would no doubt embarrass her first before having a civilized talk with her.

Emily crumpled the letter and soon made it erupt in flames, sending out the ashes of the letter from her window. It was her first instinct to tell Draco about Percy's behavior but since their sudden fight which led to them being complete strangers again – she advised herself against talking to him. To tell an Ex about the lunacy of another Ex was a no-no. Emily decided to handle this herself.

With Harry.

Upon remembering that she had her Charms class with the Gryffindors, she quickly dressed in her robes and packed her book bag, and then left with Blaise and Daphne by her side. Emily got them up to speed with the letter, earning herself cautious looks from her friends. "I know, I know. It's all going down like a house made out of straw, and I'm in that house – "

"So, what's your plan of action? Because, honestly, Blaise and I have nothing to possibly help you in this." Daphne said, struggling to keep up her pace with Emily. Blaise nodded, panting, "Is this why we're practically sprinting to Flitwick's classroom? For you to devise a plan with your brother and the others?" Emily smirked quickening her pace even more so, "That's the plan."

When the three of them had finally entered the classroom, Daphne and Blaise collapsed tiringly in their seats while Emily proceeded to make her way to Harry, Ron, and Hermione's table at the front. She grabbed a spare stool and sat before their table, propping her elbows up with her gaze steadily upon them, "Percy's coming here. I don't know what time; I just know that he is on his way as we speak."

The trio leaned in closer to her, making sure no one was eavesdropping on their conversation. "Percy? Here? What in the name of Merlin – he has no business being here!" Ron hissed. Hermione shrugged, nervous, "Well... He is a Ministry official, and with Umbridge being here it's a no-brainer why Percy is here."

"You could hide in Gryffindor tower if you want to avoid him." Harry offered. Hermione shook her head, sighing, "No. If anything, it might be the first place Percy would visit seeing that his brothers and sister live there." Emily frowned at them, her eyebrows scrunched in curiosity, "Why would I hide? I'm going to confront him. If he's going here it only means that he's found out that I've been spying on him for the Order."

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