Madness and mayhem in one movement

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Well its my first day at a new school and another year of people falling over dead or going mad and things burning. The kicker is none of this is my fault or my families as you see we are all mutants and that is an explanation for a later time.  My names is Keysen and my brothers and sisters all have magic and ability to control various items and I still some how end up using some bullshit shrink who thinks "Oh its all in your head" Yeah fucking right its in my head that my classmates drop dead but what ever helps her sleep at night. Well enough of that I have school so see you around  and in case anyone wonders I can control fire, Richard controls shadows, David controls sound(Annoying as all fuck I know), my best friend controls time and my little sister controls Ice/water and  my nut job of a big sister can control the world around her through telekinesis and mind control (Doubly irritating) now I best log off before I write creepy junk not of my own accord . I think I should explain everything but that will be done all in due time. Watch your six until next time.

Slowly logging off the computer after putting in his first blog entry for the new year Keysen  looked and saw his brownish blonde haired little sister Brianna, even though everyone called her Briea to piss her off, walking in and she looked terrified saying

"Brother I had the dream last night were it all happened to us" which got Keysen nodding before saying

"Well kiddo why don't we take a day off"  and his friend Dana who always hung around with him walked in and said 

"Hey boy I think she is calling you a freak but do you care to explain what happened to you?" and just then  Richard and Katy his older siblings smiled and walked away after a brief exchange that went along the lines of  

"Hey weirdo don't do anything stupid today like actually talking to your true monkey form freak" with her response of 

"No burning the school down again this year" and Richard watched from the shadows before the raspy voice of their cousin David entered their heads saying 

"Come on weirdo we have to go to school now cause I don't want to get a detention".  After the brief annoying exchange that happened every day Keysen pulled his black eagle jacket over the horseman's t-shirt and his skinny frame grabbed just a chocolate bar and flashed a fiery middle finger when Katy said 

"You know that is why you never gain weight right?".and he just grumbled as they all walked toward the truck and as they thought Keysen would open the door to hop in his phone rang and he checked the message and muttered

"Well fuck me we have the day off as they changed the day we go back so lets all have breakfast and Dana I assume you are wondering why she told me not to burn the school down?" and Dana who had been wondering that since the day they met said 

"yeah that has been bugging me since I saw the fires around the town that always happened when you were near" and he slung over the closest chair as they had walked back into the kitchen getting ready to go back to sleep or do whatever they wanted to just to keep busy and he muttered 

"I cant believe I am going back down this road but oh well the things I do for friends" and he saw the look of someone who was genuinely interested he said

"I spent time constantly trying to improve myself and it would mean a few hours a day in the gym and even the option of becoming a test subject for the United states navy and they wanted to get a magic wielding trooper for some reason and it was brutal pain and right after I was created the damned project was canceled but the others were exposed inadvertently to the blast that mutated me to the freak I am"  and he saw the group all go outside to play and he muttered 

"Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead yes we can keep a secret but one of us is dead" and he watched as Dana ran out to the group to play and he laid back and put his feet up and drug the ball cap over and pulled it down and said to himself knowing fully well he was alone

"Well I just spilled the secrets I kept as a living hell and am glad I finally got it out of my mind but I think my life is cursed" and he flicked his finger causing a red flame to appear before being snuffed out as a candle. Having seen the group enjoying life until sundown he muttered as everyone blacked out

"Holy shit I have the feeling that tomorrow will be going to hell" and he fell asleep only to wake up then run with the group who all jumped in the truck and as they got out of the school Keysen locked his black trailblazer and he looked at the foreboding castle looking building and said a quiet prayer for the group

"Hopefully I can live a normal life and live to see tomorrow god forbid I die young" and he walked into the building and turned down the stairs and opened the darkened door to the book club room and he whistled saying 

"Reaching out wont you take my hand I'm coming home Ireland" and he felt the presence of his brothers and said casually with the subtle presence of a smirk forming on his face he said

"Boys what the fuck took you so long and we need the girls to appear" and the boys watched as Keysen willed the shadows to appear from flames and the girls appeared as phoenixes and turned into the human form and they all opened the books and he said very somberly

"Well we are different so we should keep our distance from the people around because the damned souls we have will lust for blood" and all of them sat reading and Keysen chimed up seeing they were reading dark novels 

"We need much more dark stories and Richard and Breia we are not going to read the satanic bible because fuck you that's why" and they all opened a variety of dark novels and he whistled as he saw what time it was and Keysen looked at the door and said angrily after tapping the wall

"Fuck this shit it is time for a meal and if we don't go now all the words I have heard may someday be acted out" and he walked alone as the others sat unmoving in the book club and he sat down eating a steak sandwich and he muttered alone 

"Why do I keep holding on tell me why do I keep staring down the barrel of a loaded gun" and the tears slowly rolled down his cheek and he heard from the others in the room saying 

"tomorrow the assembly will be awesome" and Keysen started planning that day would be amazing for all the wrong reasons 

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