Family revelations

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Walking back to the house from a morning on the farm Keysen quickly changed his boots from farm to combat boots before grabbing a shotgun to try a unique morning wake up from having seen McHales navy and hogans heroes a few to many times. Loading the mag full of blanks he walked in and opened Abby's door and fired the blank over her bed and walked into the others rooms in turn.
"Brother was the shotgun blast into my room really necessary?" Dana asked before Katy pushed the gun up and David laughed saying
"I take it the alarm clocks not working pissed you off enough?" and Keysen nodded as Richard yelled out
"I'm not a lame pony so don't shoot" and he revealed his leg was in a cast. Looking at his brother Keysen let the fire go to his fingertips and said

"Well boy I can fix it and it will involve some screaming and mild discomfort so hold still" and before Richard even got a word in edgewise Keysen heated up the metal bands on the cast and half popped and half finished breaking the bone in Richards leg and he muttered
"That oughta fix your leg soon just don't try out for the olympics anytime soon".
Walking out of the room Keysen ran into the room near him feeling as bad as ever and he opened a box his mom had left before she died.  Getting the chance to open it he read a letter saying
"My dear children I found out your father before his death had another child but due to strains on us we had to send her to live with relatives. Dana is your sister by blood.. If you read these words that means something has or will happen to you all so keep family close and take good care of each other".
Having been so engrossed in the letter he never even heard Dana or Abby come into the room, and as was shocked as they gasped hearing him say
"Well damn I mean I knew mom had eyes in the back of her head but being able to see into the future? That's some really fucked up shit" and all Abby would say as he looked like he was going to cry
"Well brother don't cry cause then I'll think your a baby" and as Dana stuck her tongue out Keysen held the letter in his hand and started hearing it until Dana said pleading for the knowledge he held in his hands
"Brother please I want to know what the letter says and if you burn it I will loose any chance to find out who I really am" and they all fell silent hearing
"No,sis you know exactly who you are and mom sends her regards and well wishes for you having discovered that". As Dana cried Keysen lit his finger and lit a cigarette off it and then walked away letting his sisters reconnect after the years apart. Quickly as he went to check on Dinner he started do dinner he yelled to Richard

"Hey jackass you wanna lend some hands while the sisters get to know each other then itll be our turn to find out about Dana" and Richard just nodded before saying

"Cant talk trying to be the best Pokemon trainer ever" and as Keysen saw it was a phone app he wheeled around and grabbed a .40 caliber before squeezing off two rounds and smiling as the phone fell to the ground in pieces. As the others heard the gunshots they all booked it in with a weapon in hand, looking like a ragtag militia carrying a mix of hunting weapons and combat gear although no one was stating where the military firepower came from, and Katy went to yell at Keysen but laughed as Richard started to cry over his broken phone. Slowing putting the gun down Keysen quickly set the phone on fire and smiled saying
"The warmth is nice but we need a bigger fire" and they all chuckled until Keysen nodded and increased the size before kicking open the door and dropping the flaming, melting phone onto the wood of the fire pit. Hearing the crackling of the wood Keysen rested his weight on his all black AK47, which had carbon fiber furniture consisting of the fore-grip and the collapsing stock and he had the grenade launcher off and was turning it in his hands before bringing the hybrid sight to his eye and said 

"Well it's kind of shocking that people with supernatural abilities still feel calm with weapons in tow and maybe its because the military put us on a elite status and still managing to be high school students" and Dana laughed and ran into the house and brought out chocolate bars and marshmallows as well as Graham crackers. Seeing that Katy said like a mother, which Keysen knew would get Dana doing something getting him laughing which meant finish the beer he was sipping on. Hearing it the others all started swallowing to prevent spitting there drinks out

"Young lady the candy will ruin your dinner so wait until after the meat is done" and Keysen watched Dana turn into a bratty 11 year old saying 

"Ugh mom it wont spoil my dinner besides I have had a hard day" and Abby laughed and replied

"Doing what? Learning math because that is sooo hard" and Keysen laughed and made the s'mores using just his hands and handed it to Dana as he called over to Katy, who was glaring at him as if looks could kill then he would be dead,  and he smiled 

"So what the hell is the big deal about eating the s'mores before dinner because hey who the fuck knows if we may die"  and she nodded knowing the truth and let it go. Smiling Dana said 

"Thank you brother and I will pay you back for that" and Keysen heard a neighbor yell and he just shook his head saying 

"What the fuck do you want you idiotic son of a bitch" and he yelled

"Need help going to a drug deal" and Keysen said 

"Ok i'll help you and you will give me a beer" and mumbled to katy

"I'll accompany him and kill them all" and she nodded before he threw a note to Richard

"Shadows and kill them all and bring the others because it's a major hit for us" and he nodded. Standing around in the drug deal Keysen quickly smiled and saw the deal go down and he stepped out of the shadows and said 

"Hand over the money and fuck off" and the shadows appeared and turned human and the others yelled

"What the-" only they never finished as Richard and  Briana as well as David slashed the man's throats and muttered 

"Well that fucking sucks and now I think we should get the money and go" which Keysen agreed with and Dana and Katy fell asleep at 3am after playing video games and learning about the long time the family had not gotten to tell. 

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