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A Month Later

Dear Matt

I can't believe it has been so long that I haven't written a letter, but I have just been so busy with everything that has been going on. Alex had his last trial yesterday and I am happy to say that he has been punished with murder and assault. Farida was right to tell us to keep the recording until last. He did everything to prove his innocence. He claimed that it wasn't him that stabbed Raheem even though me and Lamia were witnesses as well.

At last we showed the recording and he had been convicted with murder and assault. I am glad that he will spent many and many years in prison.

I wish I could stay that he would rotten in prison but since I know he has money and strong connections that he might not even finish the whole punishment. This is what money and power means in a world like this. It has become a weapon to hurt other people.

The thing is Little Darling that I can't seem to fathom, is how someone can do this to another human being just because of their religion and race. He blamed Lujian and Raheem for what was has been happening in the world and he blamed you and Brain for being friends with Lujian and helping him.

I must admit that what is happening is disgusting and scary, but we can't just blame it on innocent people because of a religion they share with the bad guys. And somehow from the time that I have spent with Raheem and his family, I really doubt that Muslims could do this. They are just so kind and sweet. They are peaceful people and perhaps the kindest I had met. After all there is extremists in every religion.

There is one thing that I know for sure though, any religion that believes in God and His existence is peace, no matter what kind, what race and what beliefs.

It still represents peace.

Because that's how I feel, even though I don't have a specific religion but I only believe in Him, it still gives me peace.

I am invited to Raheem's house today and a week from now is Lamia's wedding.

Mom and Dad have apologized to me, and they miss you too.

I miss you so much Little Darling, but I am not awaiting your return anymore. I know you are in a better place.

Little Darling I am really happy that you converted to Islam just before passing away. Mom and Dad got it a little bit hard at first but they accepted it nonetheless. For me Islam is a good religion and I don't care about other people's opinion.

I am proud of you choosing your own way and making your own decisions. And I think I just think that I am going to search more about Islam, it just had made me intrigued, what could have been possibly so great that made you convert ? I don't know yet, I guess God chooses my fate and my destiny and I will do what He has prepared for me.

I love you Little Darling, Little Brother, Matt. And this is going to be the last letter. I have gone through so much, and I am glad you were with me for so long, but I think now is really the time that I let you go.

Good bye.

Your Guardian Angel, your Older Sister, Alana.


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I love you all.

~Saya ❤️

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