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"I'm not just going to leave-her here," Stiles cried to Peter in the middle of the highlighted field, looking down at Lydia's tattered body. Peter unleashed his claws and placed them firmly under Stiles' chin. Slowly lifting Stiles to eye level with an annoyed glare.

"Call your friend, tell Jackson where she is," Peter spoke calmly, Stiles could only wonder what Scott was doing. Peter forced him into the car with a small flick of his claws.

"Don't feel bad," Peter continued," if she lives, she'll be a werewolf. Better. Faster," he said.

"If she does, she'll change once a month," Stiles said in the car. "She'll try and kill. Probably kill. Actually, she will definitely kill."

"Well, considering she's a woman..." Peter said while in thought," twice a' month..." He said as Stiles just gazed at him mouth agape. His mind was racing.

"What do you even want?" Stiles asked.

"I don't think they give you enough credit Stiles. Turn left here." He said almost grinning with anticipation, "for someone so..." he gave Stiles a look, "you definitely took the werewolf secret the best." Peter gave him an appraising look he could only half pay attention to." Into that parking garage. Right there." He pointed towards the ramp and then to a parking space right next to a car. He got out and Stiles followed him out to the back of his car. He opened the back to show his dead nurse and a computer.

"Seriously? You couldn't have thrown her out in the woods? Major foul, am I okay smelling that? Are you okay smelling that?"

"Enough snark, Stiles. You're the smart one. You know that I want both Scott and Derek. You know how to find Derek. And you know what'll happen to poor Scott if I kill Allison." Peter rolled his eyes at the silent retorts coming from the teen.

"I still don't know Scott's username and password..." He said even though he knew that Peter knew he was lying.

"Yes..." Peter pulled out his claws and pressed them against Stiles' throat," you do and if you don't type, things are going to get messy..."

"He won't help you!" Stiles blurted as Peter released his throat.

"Yes he will, because if he doesn't, it won't save his girlfriend, and you'll help, because it'll save Scott," Peter explained, Stiles huffed as he typed the username and password. Logging into Scott's computer felt wrong in someway, but incredibly easy. Like he knew what to do. Like he was somehow meeting an expectation perfectly. Peter had him checkmated; he knew Stiles too well at this point," his username is Allison and his password is also Allison?"

"Still want him in your pack?" For a moment, it felt like they both wanted to say something, but before either of them could speak, a loud howl made Peter perk up," Derek is at his own house?" He questioned as he looked back at the computer, "how did you know Derek took Scott's phone?"

"No, under it, I know where he is, and I know Scott knows as well." He said after he heard a response howl. Oh, and to answer your other question, I didn't. But thanks for telling me." He smiled as Stiles became exasperated," give me your keys...."

"Careful, she grinds on seven," he said, but was shocked when Peter crushed the keys in his hand. They locked eyes for what felt like the millionth time.

"I like you Stiles, so I'm going to offer this once... Would you like the bite?" He asked gingerly," you'd be like us!"

"Like you?"

"Yes. A werewolf," Peter said," you wouldn't be trailing behind Scott anymore, you wouldn't have to watch him become popular. Become good at sports, and get the girl..." Peter said and grabbed Stiles' arm and made to bite it. Stiles didn't protest. He was debating with himself, he screamed at himself internally. It was wrong, but, just like getting into Scott's computer, it was easy. Like he was meeting an expectation. This would make him better.

It started with Peter [Sterek] (completed)Where stories live. Discover now