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Ahh, now is the time to act... Big plans, so little time... Every time I look on the watts I want to die because I see 900 something views and I'm like wow, that's a lot, I should write shorter chapters, but then I realize that I should write longer chapters because there's no way I'm getting through the story unless it's 2k+ every chapter, if I didn't write it then I'd have like fifty million chapters and all of you would give up on me... 😐

Stiles was still levelly confused and had to deal with a very pissed Derek. During the whole fight, during the whole Darach explanation that Deaton he could still feel Derek's emotions. He couldn't remember everything, but some flooded back, like memories that weren't his. Ennis, that's the guy's name, he stole memories through a bite. Looks like he took part of Stiles' as well.

Derek eventually found where the alpha pack was, planning to attack them. Scott dragged Stiles along. These were a pack of alphas and they chose a direct assault, it was very clear what Stiles planned on doing, very clear what he wanted to do. He wanted to bite Deucalion and steal some alpha super blood, the first time he actually wanted to bite someone, to do something evil. So in the middle of a building, they fought. Fought a fight they shouldn't of even had a chance of winning. But still tried.

- On the bus

"Scott, what are you doing?" Stiles stopped him, Scott had gotten up in response to Boyd's anger and heartbeat rising. Boyd was losing control, no doubt. Scott went up and calmed Boyd after Stiles noticed. Scott wanted to figure it out, wanted to be a hero... But what if you know you're not suppose to be? The Argents feared what werewolves could do, saying such beasts that are not tamed are better off dead. But the people who killed vampires? Stiles knew, he read the bestiary, vampires were suppose to be signs of massive deaths and were spawns of demons. Said if there was one in a village or town than everyone in the town would die. No questions asked. Stiles didn't want to be the death of everyone.

After Scott came back, he started texting Danny to tell him to ask why Ethan was always glancing to see if he got a message. Danny texted back that it was his friend that he was waiting for, very sick or something," it's Ennis..." Stiles said.

"He's not dead..." Scott stated as a question but it didn't roll off his tongue quite right.

"Not yet," Stiles said, coach Flinstock was still being the most annoying person in the world," seriously Scott, why aren't you healing?"

"I don't know!" Scott said angrily.

"Well, I'm going to go up there and see if I can get Jered not to throw up..." Stiles sat with him," okay, I want you to look in my eyes..." He nodded, they flashed the purple color and Jered's mirrored he calmed down a bit," you're not going to throw up," he nodded.

"I'm not going to throw up," he said back in a lighter tone.

"Awesome," Stiles went back to Scott," okay I'm done, I'm calling Lydia..."

"What is she going to do? She's all the way-"

"No, she been following us for three hours with Allison..." Stiles smiled.

"Hey, Stiles, you just caught us coming out of the movies-"

"Put me on speaker phone I know you're behind us..."

"Alright..." She tapped a button.

"Listen Scott's still hurt..." Stiles said.

"Like, how bad?" Allison said.

"Like bad," he said back.

"Well, try and get coach to stop at the next diner..."

"I'll do more than that..." Stiles said.

"Stilinski, sit down," He yelled.

"Coach..." He stared at Stiles' eyes, next thing you know they stopped at the next station, he helped Scott into the bathroom with Allison and Lydia.

"This is bad, I've seen him heal from worse than this," Allison said stepping away from Scott.

"Well, we got to do something."

"It could be psychological..." Lydia said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's all in his head, he won't let himself heal..."

"Because of Derek, he's not letting himself heal..."

"So what do we do?"

"Stick it up," Lydia said," all he needs to do is believe it's healing."

"I'll make sure the bus isn't leaving," Stiles said. Lydia went with him, he hypnotized the coach. He must of went too far thinking about what had happened.


Scott had brought Isaac to try and convince Deucalion about 'the good path' the Scott innocent ways. Stiles knew it wouldn't go well, he knew Scott always had to play the hero. So he followed. The stupid Darach shit on his mind and other useless information at the moment, trying to remember what happened. Derek bolted forward at the Alpha of the alphas. But Kali kicked him away, the twin fused, and all hell broke loose. The alphas tossed them, one held Boyd down," kill him!" Deucalion said," do it, you're beaten Derek... Take the first step."

"Are you serious, with this kid?" Kali asked, "an alpha of a couple of teenagers?" She smirked," what'll it be Derek... Pack?" She stepped harder on Cora which she had beneath her feet," or family..."

Allison shot an arrow and it exploded in light," Your eyes! Cover your eyes!" Allison shot a few more.

"Yes, please do, make it all the more easier to kill you all!" Stiles said jumping down and landing, he hissed. Scott and Ennis had just ran at each other and clashed, the shockwave started the fighting again. Stiles jumped to Deucalion, he was held back barely, he snapped his teeth wanting to bite. Claws scratched the werewolf, his wings bursted out, now repeatedly stabbing the werewolf from afar. Derek was fight Ennis, drawing him away from Scott. They struggled against each other's grip, Stiles watching it unfold, he was about to fly in and save Derek, but Deucalion grabbed both his arms and put a foot to his back and broke his arms, he hissed in the pain. Then he grabbed a wing and ripped it off, Stiles seemed to watch himself get ripped to pieces, both his wings were gone, Derek had fallen off the few stories and Isaac pulled Scott away from the sight.


Stiles sat with Lydia," all these sacrifices have something to do with this dark Druid, Darach..."

"You know some ancient cultures sacrificed people... For battle," Lydia stared at the seat in front of her.

"So we got Alpha werewolves against a dark Druid," Stiles said, Lydia nodded.

Okay guys, still want to punch Derek in the face because he was with Jennifer and not Stiles in Teen Wolf, go kill yourself Jen...

So, I love to here your comments, this episode was tricky and usually I'll go up to 2000 words, but the day's been slow.

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