Alphas? Or Vampire?

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For like days all I've thought about is Stiles. Which will never be a bad thing now matter how much it could possibly be if it wasn't anyone else.

Scott and Stiles went to a birthday party, it was Heather's party. She was a girl that Stiles knew for a long time, so he was invited. Scott seemed to not want to go, but Stiles pressured him to come with, because it was obvious Scott needed to drink. Plus Scott had to be there, in case Stiles went berserk and killed everyone. This was the first time he'd been in a public place, besides school, but people steered clear of him. According to Lydia, people tended to be scared of him, moreover he had a violent subtext for every sentence. Like, he'd sound angry, when really he was just in thought and didn't want to be interrupted.

Stiles just shrugged it off, Lydia struck where it hurt, Stiles had other problems to deal with. He entered and was immediately kissed by Heather, "Stiles!" She cheered, she pulled him away, to Scotts amazement, he followed her.

"Heather I haven't seen you in forever!" He smirked, but then smelt her, arousal filled his nostrils.

"Stiles, come with me..." Heather demanded.

"Heather... I'm going to say this, you're not for me, but...." He took another smell, he looked over to one of the jocks sitting alone and drinking," but he's definitely ready for you more than me," he gestured. She seemed confused, but rolled with it. Been friends forever, hey let's have sex, Stiles would have accepted it before, but now he'd cared so much less for even having sex. He started to enjoy the party and watched as Heather was able to pick up on the guy with ease.

He smiled and started to dance with the beat, he went home. The next day he walked with Scott," what would they want with Erica and Boyd, this alpha pack?" They got to Econ. He was called down to the principals office just to find out Heather went missing, as much as that was great news he also needed to help out at Deaton's so he can slip Isaac into a trance by nearly killing him in ice water. Isaac began explaining what their alpha's lair was. Then about Erica and Boyd, they had them.

"Isaac, where exactly are you!" Derek pressed, Isaac began to freak out, he spit up water and started to squirm," where are you?!"

"A bank!" He kept squirming with open eyes, he sat up," I saw the name! Beacon hills first bank! It was-" he woke up from his trance. They wrapped a blanket around him, Stiles Huffed. Erica was dead, Isaac had said that, said that there was a dead body, Boyd's alive.

"How are we suppose to get into a bank, let alone a plan to get into the vault?" Derek asked.

"Someone already did, a while ago that bank was robbed, I don't know how, but I could be able to figure it out," Stiles said. That was followed up by a nights research. He printed a few things, he wasn't even sure if Scott knew what he was printing half the time, but Stiles saw his dad in a photo and ran after him. Once his dad explained, he went to school and went over to Derek's to go over a plan.

He put out the blueprints," they got in through a roof top air conditioning vent, which leads to this side of the bank vault," he circled a few things on the blueprint," it is a small shaft, so the original robbers took a super long time drilling into the vault, which is stone, the rest of the night they symphonies the cash, what do you want to do?"

"I can punch through the wall, who's going to come with me?" He asked.

"I will," Stiles said," to keep them from scratching and trying to get out of the vault, it has a good chance to have it surrounded in mountain ash, I can follow you down and break the barrier, so you can get inside, though it's only a chance, plus I won't be as damaged from an alpha, I regenerate when I get hit, it takes longer for Scott and you to heal if you're hit...." Stiles proposed.

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