[chapter five]

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A scramble of scientists gasped as I came to my senses, running out of the glass chamber and behind the screen. They jotted down many things into their tablets as my vision pulled into focus.

"Well, well, well," A voice boomed as Nick Fury appeared beside them, his trench coat as long as ever, "If it isn't Miss Flare." He directed his eyes towards the white patch he held in his hand, "Like this? It's a paralysis patch. It sucks the power out of supers and leaves them unconscious, almost like a leech. Quite the tool for people like you."

"People like me?" I asked with a smug grin, "What subject to you classify me as, Director Fury?"

A man appeared by his side, in a ridiculous outfit, "Villains. People who use their powers for the worst situations..."

"Useless people like you," Fury confirmed.

I stood up and brushed my jeans, "Oh, really? That's what you call me now; A useless villain? From what I recall, you asked me to join your petty little group of 'Avengers'."

"That was before I realized you were a terrible excuse for a hero," Fury snapped, "A lost cause."

"A lost cause? I'm not the agency who allow things to continue to fall into the hands of their foes. I'm not the agency that practically begs those with higher ability to join a stupid group. A stupid group that destroyed New York," I felt my temper rising, "That was why you wanted me, wasn't it? To use my powers for good? Well guess what? This good-girl has gone bad, and you were a few years too late."

"Uh... Director..." A man whimpered, raising a tablet in front of Fury's one eye, "Any further attempts at letting Celeste's temper rise will cause severe consequences. Her power... it is reaching impetuous levels..."

Fury rolled his eyes, "It's not like she can escape, Doctor Kingsley." He shot me a glance and tucked his teeth behind his lips, nodding, "You should have stayed on the streets, where you belong." He then left the room and I was faced with two agents and a bunch of scientists.

"We avenged New York," The man barked who had piped up before, "Just for the record."

I frowned, "Who the heck are you two?"

He gestured to the one beside him, "That there is Agent Rouke, and I am Agent Barton."

"We're field agents," Agent Rouke stated, sliding the shades off the bridge of his nose, "I didn't think the patch wiped memory, too." I recognized him immediately as I stared into his cold, blue eyes. He was the one that threatened to shoot me. Everything flooded back to me. Agent Romanoff, Adrian, Agent Rouke...

"It doesn't..." I said through gritted teeth.

Agent Rouke grinned, "Well then, that's perfect! I think we should all leave you to it then, Celeste. It is quite late." I nodded sharply and they flooded out of the room, leaving it empty. 

Except for one man: Loki.

He stood the furthest away from me in his cell, watching my every move. I shrugged him off; he was no more than a show-pony and had a poor record on world-domination. I made my way towards the glass and gathered up a ball of electricity in my hands, thrusting my palms towards the pane of glass. I yelped as it rebounded, tossing me down onto my back. I could hear him laughing quite loudly, almost mocking me, "Oh, that was quite a show. Entertaining, really. Here I was thinking that your were no more then an ordinary Midgardian."

I sat up, glaring directly at him and rubbing my head softly, "Midgardian?" I repeated, unsure of what he was talking about.

A sigh escaped his lips, "Midgard is what we call Earth," he replied bluntly, "It's an Asgardian thing."

I stood up and walked towards the glass, crossing my arms. This man, Loki, was already getting under my skin, "Who are you?"

"You do not know who I am?" Loki growled, "You do not know the incredible mastermind that-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know you are Loki, the guy with the weird powers and brother of Thor," I interrupted, waving my hand tirelessly, "But who do you think you are?"

Loki paused, almost as if he was thinking it over, "The bad guy." He replied simply.

I grimaced with a chuckle and Loki seemed agitated, "Oh, Loki, you're hilarious," I hissed, "You were enjoying your five minutes of fame, weren't you? Taking over the world. Only to be stopped by a group of freaks. It was great, wasn't it? But guess what, Loki? You aren't the only one with a hate for the world-"

"A hate?" Loki said, his words almost piercing my skin. He made his way towards the glass so we could glare daggers at each other, "I despise Earth, and I despise most things. Your world is full of lies and you know it!"

"I am very aware of the hidden lies!" I snapped, "My life is shrouded in them. Heavy lies that are burdened on my shoulders. You don't even know what they are until I explain them."

Loki looked back at me fiercely, "You're just a petty woman with a small spark. You're nothing special. There is nothing interesting about such a person as yourself."

I was sick of arguing. Sick of proving someone wrong, sick of building up my anger, sick of being captured in this cell with a person from another planet staring directly at me. I faked a yawn and sat down on my bench, stretching, "Well, Loki, I'm going to hit the sack. Have a good sleep." I blessed sarcastically.

"Unlikely," Loki murmured, retreating to his bench as well, "I have had trouble sleeping in this wretched cell ever since I came here."

I smiled, "Oh? You suffer from insomnia too?"

Loki's blank expression returned, "Insomnia?"

I fluttered my hands, lying on cold bench, "Oh, nothing..." I whispered, barely audible, "It's a Midgardian thing."

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