[chapter seven]

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Nick Fury glared at me and I smiled back, feeling quite cheery and smug. Fury crossed his arms when the scientists rushed into her chamber to help an unconscious Celeste. Petty mortal. Now they should learn never to mess with the God of Mischief.

"You have a lot of nerve, Loki," Nick Fury grumbled through gritted teeth.

I exhaled sharply with a grin, throwing my hands up innocently, "I was just hoping to find her weakness."

"Now you have it, what do you plan to do?" He asked, "Exterminate her? Join her?"

"Piss the damn girl off until she practically breaks S.H.I.E.L.D?" Agent Rouke piped up.

"All of those are possibilities..." I replied softly, the grin still fixated on my face. Both of the men sighed roughly in frustration and whispered to each other, mumbling and complaining. They left the room and I glanced over to Celeste who had been propped on her bench. A syringe was injected into her arm and I sat back down, observing the behaviour.

The scientists seemed intimidated by her soft movements. She was unconscious, yet there was no doubt she was soon to awaken. Her back was pressed against the wall and her mouth twitched the slightest. The scientists quickly scurried out after they had recorded their facts, the glass closing over her cell.

I watched her, her cell... everything that resembled Celeste. A camera sat in the backhand corner, flashing a shade of red. Yet, so did mine. They were watching us. So, I pretended to observe Celeste, to bore out the director and his agents. The small minutes passed by, formed into ten. And, alas, the red blinking stopped. I whipped around to my camera and it did the same thing.

My eyes circled the room, pinpointing every single camera eyeing us. All of the flashing stayed immobile, not on as they usually were. Did they switch off when there was nothing to witness?

I stood up abruptly and the redness returned. The cameras were operating. I paced around in my cell and watched, out the corner of me eye, the small frame of the cameras turning to watch me.

It was then I had realised that I had found my biggest lead to finally escape.


"You should know that exposing your power to S.H.I.E.L.D is a dangerous thing."

I rolled my eyes, "Ugh... you're beginning to sound exactly like Fury..." I hissed, tossing my hair back and narrowing my eyes. Loki smiled harmlessly while he lay across his bench, staring at the ceiling.

"Why would I bother sounding like him, when I sound exactly like Loki?" He asked, a hint of confusion in his voice. I wasn't sure if he was trying to riddle me again or if he was purely puzzled. So, I left his question unanswered, inspecting a split end in my hair. This chamber was driving me crazy, and I hadn't even been there a full twenty-four hours.

"Loki?" I asked, "What were you like before you found out you were adopted?"

"A fool..." Loki snapped, "A fool for not realising my true powers."

I sighed exhaustedly when Loki sat up, "Wow... Somebody had a troubled childhood. Even before they found out they were a... a... what are you?"

"A frost giant," Loki replied, his eyes shallow yet anguished. He stared at his palms and seemed as though he looked worried. Loki was hard to determine what emotion he was in. His face was extremely hard to read.

I pushed further, "What's a frost giant?"

Loki raised his head and kept a neutral expression. A coat of a dark blue washed over his face and red coated his eyes. Exquisite markings looped semicircles on his forehead and he seemed like an alien, "This..." He grumbled.

"You-" I began, my throat choking up. I seemed as though I could feel the pain in his body just by looking at him. Something washed over me, a feeling of compassion. I shook my head and when I returned to Loki's gaze, his frost giant form had vanished, "You look... intimidating." My confidence had returned.

"Are you OK?" Loki asked, his eyelids lowering into a stare.

I cleared my throat, "Fine. Just an aftermath of the gas, I think..." What the heck was wrong with me? Was I falling for the true Loki? The one behind his eyes? No, Celeste. I scolded myself after a flush of thoughts raced in my head. Don't you dare show any weakness!

Loki pursed his lips, continuing his gaze before averting them to the ceiling above me. I looked behind me, searching for something that could capture his attention. Nothing. Only the camera in the top corner-

"Celeste," Loki murmured quietly, almost sounding demanding, "Listen to me and do not move. We only have but limited time. Direct your eyes to the camera. Do you notice anything?" He waited no longer but two seconds for me to reply before continuing, "It's not blinking red. That means the people of this agency are not watching our every movement."

I went to look over my shoulder but Loki stopped me. I kept my stare at the blank wall in front of me and opened my mouth to speak, "What are you implying?"

"We can escape..." His voice was even lower, almost inaudible, so I listened in even harder, "Just the two of us. But we need to think of a plan."

My voice was a hiss, "Why the heck would I want to escape with you?"

"Be quiet," Loki ordered, snapping back but much quieter, "We can rule this world. Together. We cannot be locked up here any longer. We're not human, we can actually accomplish something."

I smirked. I wouldn't mind getting out of here, but I wouldn't follow Loki. I could escape from here; spend a night with Loki before making a mad dash for it in the morning. I didn't need him, "What have you got in mind, Einstein?"

"Nothing yet. But let me assure you that I'm thinking it over. I just needed to inform you so we can plot our escape together."

The single word 'escape' sent shudders down my spine. It was a word, maybe one of my favourite when it came to my 'imprisoned brain'. We could do it: he had the brains and I had the power. No, I had the brains and the power... he was just a sidekick, "Maybe we could plot-"

"Celeste!" Loki susurrated sharply, slamming his palm on his bench. I heard the door to the chamber quarters open and I froze.

"Celeste, may I ask you what in the world you are doing?" Fury's voice asked smoothly.

I turned around to face the one-eyed director himself and my face brightened, "Fury! Just the man I needed!" I threw my hand up and gestured to the wall, "I'm trying to figure out how to open this door to the bathroom. Can you open it for me?" Loki smiled behind Fury's back, nodding softly.

Fury exhaled, shuffling to the controls and opening the doorway for me, "You had a shower this morning, Celeste."

I scowled, "Fine, you caught me. I wanted private time in the bathroom because I don't want to be staring at Loki's face." I snapped, winking reassuringly at the mastermind himself.

"You know I can't do that," Fury said, emphasising every word. He was getting absolutely sick of me, "You're just going to have to put up with him. Try... talking to each other. That always gets the ball rolling."

I couldn't help but grin when he left.

Trust me, Fury... I have been.


There's a little frost giant gif to the side >>>


over and out

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