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Dylan ~

Im packing my bags . I forgot me ,and my dad go on this family trip every year since I was born . My dad has a house , up in the Asheville mountains .
It's a cute little house, plus it's really far from Florida  . Its pretty high up , a pain to walk up . Though the view is to die for ...

" hey babeeee you almost done " Hunter said walking in . Giving me a side hug ,and kissing my cheek .

" no .. I am so baffled about what to bring " I said throwing under wear in the far corner of the bag .

" it's not that hard ??? Just do what I did and through the first thing you see into the bag ." He said laughing ,sitting on the bed .

" when is your house gonna be fixed ?" I smirked raising a eye brow .

" haha very funny ... And I don't know that's a Martha question.." He said walking into the bathroom .

" I'll ask another time .." I said packing some warm socks . Hunter walks into the bathroom , and closes the door . I can hear him turn on the showers . He walks out with nothing but a towel on .

" please tell me you have some under wear on under that towel ?" I said glancing at him .

" NOPE!!!" He quickly answered throwing  his cloths on the chair , to my desk .

" well ok then ... Hey I still need to do my hair  so leave the door open " I said .

" why can't you girls wear your hair natural more often ? You look prettier any way " he said waking In to he bathroom .

" because !! we don't went to .." I mumbled then blushed , I walk into the bathroom . Hunter was washing his body with ... MY SOAP !!!!! Ew that's disgusting !!! A towel was on the door handle to the glass door , it covered every think below his waist .

" I love the smell of your soup " he yelled over the water .

" yeah !!! Thanks .. Keep it " I said annoyed . I grab my bucket of colorful hair ties, out of the bottom of the sink . I grab my brush , and brush all my hair to one side . I start to braid my hair into a fish tail , and put a pale yellow hair tie at the bottom . I take some Bobby pens with different color flowers on them , and clip them through out my braid .

" that's cute ...." Hunter said getting out the shower .

" I thought you didn't like girls when they do there hair ?" I said Turing around .

" I don't ... But Your cute either way " he smirked . I lightly blushed , and walked out . He's so stupid , like just the dumbest of dumb .... But I love him , I would never say it to his face but I do .

I finish packing , and wheel my luggage down stair . I put it next to the door .

" hey dear how are you ? " Martha said .

" oh !! Hey I am doing fine thank you " I said smiling .

" are you all packed , and ready to go ?" She said smiling .

" yeah I am ... Hey I was just wondering ! Do you know when your house is gonna be fixed " I said trying not to sound rude as hell .

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