Chapter 1

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I watched as the girl with the kiss tilted her head up, staring up at Chris, a fellow classmate, who would soon receive the kiss. He was smiling down at her, urging her to pass the kiss to him, and before I knew it she was going on her tippy toes, leaning forward to meet his lips. They kissed and everyone else in my class screamed, seeing that the kiss was passed on. I simply rolled my eyes.

"Oh my god!" Hannah, my best friend exclaimed. "Chris has the kiss now!"

"Good for him," I muttered, bringing my attention to Hannah who sat beside me.

"You're such a party pooper," she teased. "You're the only person in this school who doesn't give a damn about The Kissing Game."

It was true, but why would I. It was an incredibly stupid game. A game I wished didn't exist because all of the hype around it was driving me insane.

"It's such a stupid game." I sighed. "There's literally no point of it."

"Hey, who wouldn't want to be known as The Holy Kisser by the end of our senior year."

"Not me for sure."

I couldn't believe this game had been going on since I was a freshman. It only involved my grade and the entire point of it was to pass around a single kiss. To anyone you wanted, you'd pass the kiss and then they would thus have the kiss. Whoever was the last person to have the kiss at graduation was then deemed the winner, and they would be known as The Holy Kisser. Yes, our school was lame enough to want that title.

"Don't you ever wonder if our entire grade has STDs thanks to this game?" I asked, shaking my head. "This game could possibly ruin lives."

"I received the kiss multiple times and I don't have a STD." Hannah rolled her eyes. "Zoey, sometimes I think you need to let loose."

"And I think I shouldn't be friends with such an active member of this stupid game."

Hannah sighed and I knew I was testing her patience, so I decided to drop the topic. We often talked about The Kissing Game. Because it was such a big deal, almost everyone spoke about it at least once a day. Everyone else spoke highly about it, but I spoke as if it was a sin. It might as well be because literally everyone but me had been kissed many times by many different people thanks to the game. In my opinion, the only person you should be kissing is your long term boyfriend, so this game went against my values.

"Oh my god," Hannah suddenly hissed. "Axel just entered the classroom."

My eyes flew to the entrance of our English classroom and I saw him. I saw one of the many boys who brought a scowl to my face instantly, and I rolled my eyes as he smirked at the girl who had had the kiss. She blushed feverishly and shrugged, causing Axel to glower.

"Sorry man," Chris said, bringing Axel's attention to him. "I got to her first, but if you really want the kiss you can have it."

"Shut up," Axel said, rolling his eyes as Chris puckered up. "It doesn't matter. I'll be the last one with the kiss."

Chris simply shrugged and turned around, returning to his friends. Axel sauntered past him and sat down at his desk, ignoring anyone who tried to socialize with him. He was clearly angry, simply because he hadn't gotten the kiss.

"He's so hot," Hannah whispered, bringing my attention back to her. "God, what I would do to him."

I gagged at that, causing Hannah to roll her eyes at me. This was another thing we disagreed on. She thought Axel was a god. Gorgeous, dangerous, and so, so desirable. I simply thought he was an attention-seeking jerk. One who was a little too obsessed with The Kissing Game.

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