Chapter 20

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The dance came fast and I knew I made a mistake. When Xavier picked me up and I had to force a smile, I regretted my choice. I felt guilty, but I was prone to making rash decisions. This was one of the many I made.

"You look beautiful," Xavier said, taking my hand in the school parking lot.

"Thank you," I said, forcing a smile.

I had actually put effort into how I looked tonight. My hair was curled, I wore makeup, and I wore a black dress. All this was not for Xavier however, but in hopes that I would see someone else tonight. As usual, it was frustrating but thrilling all at once.

"Shall we go?" Xavier asked, tugging my hand.


We walked to school and went straight to the gymnasium. It was already packed with hundreds of teenagers and the music was loud. This was not my scene, but this was my last year so I decided to suck it up.

"Can we find Hannah and Archer?" I shouted at Xavier.

"Sure," he shouted back, looking uneasy.

I could tell this wasn't his scene either, but I didn't say anything. Loosening my grip on his hand, I began to walk past the dancing teenagers and looked around. The lights were dimmed so it was hard to see much to be honest.

As I walked, I caught sight of Luke, standing off to the side by the punch bowl. He was surrounded by his friends and his friends were talking animatedly, but Luke was staring longingly at something. Following his eyes, I saw that he was staring at some petite girl who was dancing with her friends. She was beautiful and I wondered about my brother's feelings for this girl. Knowing I couldn't ask now, I decided to ask him one day.

"Did you spot them yet?" Xavier asked.

"No," I responded. "I should call them."

The second I pulled out my phone, I heard a familiar squeal. My head whipped up and I saw Hannah running towards me, grinning. I smiled back, noticing my friend looked gorgeous.

    "Zoey!" she exclaimed when she reached me. "You look beautiful."

    Archer stood behind her and he gave me a smile. I smiled back and noticed that Xavier looked uncomfortable. Knowing this was his personality, I just let him be.

    "So do you," I said. "Maroon is definitely your colour."

    "Thanks babe!" Hannah twirled in front of me. "Let's dance."

   "I don't dance Hannah." I groaned, wishing she'd realize that. "Xavier doesn't either."  

    "I don't," Xavier chirped in.

   "Boring!" Hannah sighed heavily. "Come on Archer, lets dance. We'll see you two later."  

   Hannah grabbed Archer's hand and led him away, leaving me standing in my spot with Xavier. I frowned, staring after them and wondered about our double date. Weren't those supposed to be spent together?

    "Should we stand to the side?" Xavier asked.

    "Sounds good," I said, confused by Hannah ditching me.  

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