Chapter 3

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   I was never the kind of person to worry. Especially about my peers, I couldn't care less. But because I had the kiss and it was such a big deal, I was left to feel like a huge weight was on my shoulders.

   "Okay, we need to talk," Hannah said, plopping next to my seat.

   "About?" I asked.

   "The kiss!" she exclaimed, causing a few people to glance at me. "I can't believe you have it!"


   My eyes wandered around the classroom and because we were early to English, only a few people were in the room. But everyone who was there was looking at me. They seemed to be watching me and the weight I felt grew heavier.

   "Sorry," Hannah sighed. "I just can't believe it."

   "Neither can I." My eyes hardened and I glowered at Chris who was in class. "I can't believe he kissed me without consent."

   "I know. He's such a jerk."

   Hannah's eyes held sympathy and I wondered why. I wasn't upset about having the kiss, just angry and anxious.

   "I know you don't want the kiss," Hannah said, sad.


   "So are you just going to pass it quickly?" she asked. "Just let someone kiss you and be rid of it?"

   "No. Of course not." I frowned. "I don't want anyone to kiss me."

   "But you don't want the kiss either."

   "True, but I rather have the kiss than have someone kiss me. That's why I'll be keeping the kiss.

    That was why I felt a weight. I was going to stop the game that had been going on for three years. The biggest game ever, and I knew everyone was going to hate me. That still wasn't what I was worried about because I couldn't care less about how others felt about me, but what they would do worried me. The Kissing Game had proven to make many people crazy.

   Hannah's jaw dropped as she took in what I meant. Her eyes began to bulge and I watched her, knowing she along with many others weren't going to be happy. But there was nothing they could do. With a chance to end this stupid game, I would ignore others.

   "What!" Hannah exclaimed. "Are you serious?"

   "Dead serious," I said quietly. "It's time for this game to end."

    "Oh my god." She frowned. "Zoey, don't be a party pooper."

   "Stop referring to me as a party popper." I sighed. "And this is what I want. Not just because I want this game to end, but also because I don't want to kiss anyone who isn't my long term boyfriend."

   That was also true. I believed that physical affection should only be shown to your boyfriend who you'd been dating for a minimum of a year. So at this point, there was no one who could possibly get a kiss from me. Well, it wasn't like I would date anyone anytime soon either.

    "Okay, fine," Hannah said, to my surprise. "Do what you want, but I'm worried about you. Things will definitely get hectic when angry players start mobbing you."

   "I'll manage," I said, only half sure. "There's only six months left of school. I can make it until then without getting murdered."

   Hannah didn't look that convinced and I didn't blame her. This game was a huge deal and the players of it worshipped it. For what I would do, I would soon be viewed as Satan.

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