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A/N: This is probably horrible so sorry. Should I continue or nah? If you notice any mistakes or want me to fix something, please tell me.

It was a chilly night, fall was just around the corner. Adam shivered and shoved his hands into the pockets of his thin jacket. He walked even faster, praying he wouldn't be late. "Why couldn't we have met at my house, or at least someplace closer" His annoyed grumbling was the only sound that could be heard on the silent street. It felt like forever but he eventually arrived at Dakota's house. He was about to knock when the door flew open making him jump back in surprise.

Standing in the doorway was an excited looking girl. She had shoulder length black hair sharp brown eyes. "Hey Adam! We were wondering when you'd get here!" Before he could protest his friend had grabbed his wrist and dragged him up into her bedroom. When she finally let go he playfully punched her arm and looked around the room. Three other kids were sitting on the floor arguing over what was better, pie or cake. Adam and Dakota just watched in amusement.

Suddenly, Dakota's brother, Damien came around the corner, "hey, were you ever planning on introducing me to your friends Shrimp?" Dakota spun around glaring angrily at the older boy.

She growled, "Don't call me shrimp Damian. You act so high and mighty just because you're 16"

He just laughed and smirked. "And what are you, 8?"

"You already know I'm 11." While the two argued everyone else had gone quiet, awkwardly waiting for them to stop fighting.

"Exactly, you're not even in middle school yet." He turned his attention to the four silent children. "So introductions?"

She sighed but complied. She pointed to each person. "The boy with lighter brown hair is Adam. The redhead is Sarah. The African American boy is Samuel. And the girl with wavy brown hair is Skylar."

Damian smiled and waved. "Nice to meet you all!"

"Now that you know everyone, GET OUT" Dakota shoved him into the hallway and slammed the door. She turned back to her friends and grinned sheepishly. "Sorry about him, he gets bored."

Sarah giggled. "You think he's bad, try living with 3 brothers, its complete chaos"

"We get it, siblings are horrible, can we move on now?"

Everyone turned to face Skylar. She was a bit quiet and hardly ever spoke. They were also suprised at how bitter she sounded. She was an only child but the other didn't think she minded. Everyone remained silent for a couple minutes, unsure of what to say.

"Let's go outside, i want to see the stars" Adam broke the awkward silence and took charge as usual. Everyone let out the breath they'd been holding and they happily agreed. They left the house and crossed the street, heading towards a nearby park.
They all sat down on an abandoned picnic table, and were admiring the stars when Sam suddenly gasped and pointed at sky.


Everyone jumped up eagerly. "Quick, make a wish everyone!"

They all looked thoughtfully at the falling stars and tried to think of what they wanted most.

"I wish...."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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