Deep in the heart of the Arctic, a herd of penguins travels the lands. Doing what the penguin naturally do. However, we are going to take a look at one little in particular penguin today. Let's call him Peter. Peter the Penguin. Peter was just following the herd, being natural as he should in his little penguin society. However, one day Peter saw something shine in the snow in the distance. Peter waddled over to it, a good ways away from the group. Peter examined the item, it was a watch. He didn't know this of course, or that the humans who lost it were long gone. All this poor creature new is that it was shiny and not normal.
Dropping the watch, Peter turned to head back to the group, only to find out that they were gone. That may seem hard to believe, but they were originally heading to a hole in the ice for food. Where they would come out or when was another story. Peter made his was over to the hole, but when he got close he noticed a seal in the water. Oh no, that's not a good sign for poor Peter. Thus with this sight, he decided he would find himself a new hole in the ice, perhaps he could warn the others of this monster in time to save them.
Hours past, and no other entrance into the icy waters exposed itself yet. Try and try as he might, the little penguin couldn't seem to find another entrance. Maybe he didn't need to now though. For sure they had to have come out of the water by now if they were ok. Peter decided to go back. Only, which way was back...?
A Lone Penguin Wanders...Still Today
General FictionA story of a penguin whom lost his way once...