digital heart

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When someone tells me:
"Internet friendships aren't real"
I'm not entirely sure what that means
Because According to the dictionary
Physical contact isnt even an issue
And although I have great and amazing friends in real life
Sometimes they aren't around when I need them to be
And sometimes when I need them the most they're no where to be found

And sometimes all we need in life is for someone to say "I'm here for you"
Just because we can't reach out
And touch each other
Doesn't mean we aren't real friends
Sometimes an internet connection is all we need to find love
And sometimes
It makes for a night of laughs
Or screams in my case

When I talk to my friends on Skype
I don't just see words on a screen
I know that there's a person somewhere looking back
I know they have thoughts and feelings just as I do
And I know that they are a real living person

The beautiful people I've met on the internet Are my friends And no one can tell me different
I laugh and I cry and I stay up all night with them
I enjoy there company
And they enjoy mine
And I know that they are there for me
And I am there for them
And if that doesn't make them my friend
I don't know what does

You see we live in a digital world
But that doesn't make it any less real

You see we live in a digital world But that doesn't make it any less real

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So why can't my heart be digital too

Digital HeartWhere stories live. Discover now