Subaru Sakamaki

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You were walking in the Sakamaki garden on a dare from your friends. Your feet felt like jello as you walked slowly around the bushes. Your eyes lit up when you noticed the breath taking, gorgeous white roses!

"Oh! White roses are my favorite!" You exclaimed quietly as you went up to look at them.

You stumbled and fell when you noticed a pasty white albino with whitish kind of hair. You hit your head and passed out.

When you woke up, you were in the dark. You tried sitting up but your head hit something hard.

"Ouch!" You said and rubbed your forehead. "Tch, where am I anyway?"

You decided to bang on the hard surface until your palms were burning and had splinters in them. You sighed and started kicking it.

After a few minutes you heard footsteps coming towards you. You froze and held your breath. You heard a creaking sound and light cascaded in.

You shielded your eyes. "So... Bright..." You muttered. When you looked back there was Subaru Sakamaki standing there mumbling something about how he wasn't that pale.

You giggled a bit and said, "How'd I get here?" To which Subaru replied," Tch, you passed out in MY garden! Why were you there anyway?"

You blushed and averted your eyes. "Oh um well you see, I kinda got lost? And happened to run into your house... And yea..." You lied and hoped he would buy your story.

"Tch, whatever." He mumbled and reached out his hand. You took it and he pulled you out of a coffin? "A coffin?" You mumbled and looked at him. You noticed the shade of pink he was wearing, but decided not to mention it as he looked angry enough all ready.

"Yea, what of it?" He spat out. "Nothing! Chillax bruh, I was just askin!" You blurted out in defense.

"Chillax?" He repeated sarcastically (sorry can't think of the right word)

"Umm yea... My friends make fun of me for it sometimes." You confessed and your cheeks lit up.

He then laughed at that comment  and said, "I'm Sakamaki Subaru and you are?"

"I know who you are! But um I'm (l/n) (f/n)." You stated and smiled.

And after that encounter you and Subaru always ate lunch together :3


Yush! I did finish all the Sakamakis!!!! Hoorah for meh ;-;.... Now if you want to plz request!!!!! Bc I do them ;-; you can request Mukamis or Sakamakis... Again!!! And so I would just like to point that out :3 laters!!


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