Chapter 4

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It was the next morning, I was awake and dressed, hair done and makeup done. I grabbed phone and wallet and walked upfront to where the guys were. "I'll see you babes later." I said and kissed their cheeks. "Have fun." Tyler said. "I will." I smiled and walked off the bus and over to where Megan was. "Ready?" I asked. "Yep!" She said. I smiled and we started walking down the street to the camera shop. "I can't wait to get the camera i've been wanting." I said smiling. She smiled. "I finally get to do what i've been wanting to do for along time." I said. "I'm happy for you" Megan said smiling. "Thank you." I smiled back. "SO you and tyler?" She asked. "Just friends, You know my dads rules." I said and looked at her. "Have you at least told your dad or tyler?" She asked. "No. because i know how my dad would be and i know Tyler doesn't like me that way." I said. "Thats what you think." She said. I looked at her confused but shook my head and kept walking. We got to the store and walked inside. "This is camera heaven for me oh my." I said looking around seeing all the camera. I walked around the shop looking for the right camera and a few lenses. Once i got the camera and the lenses, I bought the stuff and walked out of the shop with Megan. "Want to go grab something to eat?" I asked. "Sure." She said and we walked to a cafe that wasn't far from the camera shop. We walked in and ordered a drink and food and took our seats waiting for our number to be called. "Do you want to be with Tyler?" Megan asked. "Of course i do, i really really like him Megan.. Hell may be inlove with him.. I just dont know what to do honestly." I said and sighed to myself. "You need to tell your dad this Crystal, this is the only way you can actually be with him and maybe have a chance before its too late." She said. "I guess so." I said and heard our number. I got up and got our food and sat down and we started to eat and talk about everything thats been going on.

It was a few hours later and Megan and I were back at the arena with the boys, talking backstage. I seen my dad. "I'll be right back." I said and got up and walked over to him. "Hey daddy can i talk to you?" I asked. "Of course princess whats up?" He asked. "Well you know how you have this rule where the boys can't date me." I said looking at him. "Yes, what about it?" He questioned crossing his arms. "Its just.. I really like Tyler, a lot and he makes me really happy. The only boy who has made me really happy and I know you dont want him dating me but please daddy will you give me a chance to date him?" I asked looking at him. He sighed. "I guess i can, if he hurts you i'll hurt him." He said.I smiled widely and hugged him. "I love you, thank you." I said. He smiled and hugged back. "I love you too hun." He said pulling away. "I'll see you later." he said. I smiled and walked back to the boys and Megan, i sat beside Tyler and rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his head on mine and put his hand on my knee and rubbed it gently with his thumb. "I love tour but im bummed its almost over." I said. "Same here, but we'll make it the best night of our lives." Tyler said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. It was time for the boys to go on stage and perform. "Good luck." I said kissing tyler's cheek. "Thank you." He smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled and watched him walk on stage. I walked over to Megan. "So?" She asked. "My dad said i can date tyler." I smiled widely. "See it wasn't that hard." She smiled. I giggled and looked over at the boys and watched them perform. Once they got to Heavydirtysoul, i seen tyler look over at me singing. " can you save my, can you save my heavydirtysoul?" Tyler sung as he looked directly at me. From there I knew there was something.

After the concert was over, I was on the bus with Megan and the boys. "You guys were amazing." I said smiling. "Like always." I added. "Well thank you." They both said at the same time. I giggled. "Well i'm going to show Megan where she's staying at and then shower and get some sleep." I said and got up, i kissed Tyler's cheek and walked Megan to her bunk. "Theres your bunk." I said. "Thank you." She smiled. "Of course." I smiled back and grabbed my PJs and walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

Tyler's POV

I watched Crystal and Megan walk to the back. "Man I'm getting more and more nervous about this." I told Josh. "Dont be, it'll be okay i promise you." Josh said rubbing my back. "What if it doesn't happen? What if her dad says no? What if-" "Stop. there's no what if's. Its all going to be okay." Josh said cutting me off. I sighed and nodded. "I hope so." I said. "It will." Josh said. I heard footsteps and thats when i seen Crystal, god she looked beautiful without makeup, her hair up and in her PJs she wore. I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Well Megan and I are heading to bed, don't stay up too late." Crystal said. "We won't." I told her, she nodded and walked over and kissed my cheek. I smiled and watched her walk to the bunks. God i can't wait till i can actually pull her back and give her a kiss goodnight and cuddle up in the bunks. I smiled to myself. "Well lets get ready for bed." Josh said. "We have a long day tomorrow." He added. I nodded and got up and took a shower and put on sweats. I walked to my bunk and climbed in to see Crystal sound asleep. 'God she's so beautiful.' I thought to myself and smiled. I shut the curtain and pulled her close and pulled the blankets up, i moved her hair away from her neck a little and kissed under her ear. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep holding the girl of my dreams in my arms.

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