Chapter 4

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*Timmys POV* (i like to switch Pov everyonce in while =P)

I was happy to be sitting with Alex but this had to be the most akward moment of my life. I hated when my mother made me move. She thought moving to my step dads house with his 3 boys would make me less gay i asume but that back fired. Ever since i saw Alex with his broom trying to save Joker i couldn't help but love him. He was so different then anyone else. He was shy but so sweet and was a bit clumsy. I loved spending every day with him goofying off and hiding so our faimlys wouldn't find out but i think i missed that up. I wanted to see him like i do everyday and invite him to watch the fire works but insted i met his brother and sister. His sister seemed ok but Aaron well to say the least scared the living shit out of me! He was a giant like my step brothers and he looked like he was ready to kick ass. 

"So your Timmy, its a pleaser to meet you. Im Lizzy and this is Aaron." Lizzy commented looking at me. We were sitting at there kitchen table with Alex beside me and His sister and brother across from us.

"Uhh yea hello." I gave a little smile.

"So how did you meet Alex?" Aaron hiss at me.

"Umm well i was in my backyard with Joker an-" I started.

"Whos Joker?" Lizzy interrupted.

"The Kitty here." Alex spoke up picking up Joker who attacked his bangs. He laughed watching as the kitten played a bit with his hair.

"Ok carry on." Lizzy said.

"O well i was in the backyard with Joker when my step brother came out and they stole my camera so i ran after them and when i came back Joker was gone. Then i looked over the fence and saw Alex with a broom in his hand trying to scare off these cats that were attacking Joker." I laughed thinking back to Alex trying to look tuft to scare the cats. Alex just blushed witch made him cuter.

"Aww..." Lizzy said smiling. Aaron seemed a little less upset looking at me.

"Well what are you like?"  Lizzy asked.

"Um i don't know." I said. I hated when people asked about me  myself i never knew what to say.

"He's great. He's nice and funny and he takes really cool pictures all the time." Alex commented smiling at me.

"Well what do you think about Alex?" Aaron asked me a bit angrly.

"I think Alex is nice and silly and a bit clumsy but funny and he loves animals." I smiled at Alex thinking of all the silly things he dose. I saw Alex blush more.

"Well were going be right back." Lizzy said pulling on Aarons hand who was glaring at me. We watched them both leave before Alex spoke.

"This is so awkward..." He said giving me a little smile.

"Yea..." I laughed back.

"Umm that was nice what you said about me and stuff..." He blushed looking down.

"Well its true." I gave him a grin.

"Thanks, Now that i meet my faimly i hope you dont think my brothers mean." 

"Your brothers not mean just uhh... protective. It means he cares witch is good." 

"A little over protective but yea."

"Well can you blame them i would be too if you were mine." Damn did i just say that outloud...

"If i was yours..?" He mumbled happly to himself like he enjoyed that thought.

"Umm Alex would you mayb-" I started.

"Im back." Lizzy cut me off smiling at us.

"O welcome back where Aaron go?" Alex asked.

"He's being a little baby so i sent him too his room. You two are welcome to hang out but the rules still apply for now Alex. That means no going anywhere without saying and behave you two." She winked at me. I think she knew i liked alex but i haven't told anyone other then my faimly yet. But tonight i will tell him or atleast ill tell him im gay. I hope he wont hate me...

*Alex POV*

Lizzy walked into the living room so me and Timmy were alone again. I was watching him play with Whiskey and Joker on the floor. It strange i know he wants to tell me somthing but everytime he's tried this last week it seem like my brother or his mom would call just in time to stop him. It wasn't all bad they stoped me too but i really wanted to tell him i liked him. He proubly wouldn't like me back, for all i know he has a girlfriend, ive seen lots of girls with his brothers. 

"Alex umm theres somthing i've been meaning to say..." Timmy spoke up not looking away from the floor.

"Sure what is it?"

"Well don't hate me..."

"I would never hate you your my best friend." 

"Well um I've only ever told my faimly this but im... gay ..." 

"What? i cant hear you?" 

"Im............... gay..................."

"Really! So am I!" I praticlly shouted with joy. 

"Really." He smiled at me.

"Yup!" I replyed popping the p.

"Umm I never asked this before but i was wondering.... well its just i... I umm..." I stuttered out but before i could finsh i felt Timmy lips touch mine. It was amzing. They were soft and sweet and i couldn't help but kiss back. I felt him smile and we stayed that way for the longest time. We heard His phone ring and i heard him mummble under his breath before picking up. The phone call was short but he said ok then hung up and frowned at me.

"I have to go my mom wants me home." he said to me.

"O ok..." I pouted.

"I promise i'll see you tomorow." He said huging me and giving me another kiss. We finaly broke it again and he picked up Joker and jogged off.

"Well that was cute..." Lizzy said from the door.

"Uhh we were umm..." What do i say to her.

"You were kissing cause you like him." She smiled.


"Aww how cute." She hugged me.

"Your not upset."

"Nope i knew you liked him. Besides its about time you made a real friend."

"What about Aaron..."

"Well he's not liking the idea of you leaving the house and making friends but i've talked with him. Im going let you tell him about you and Timmy but until then your aloud to leave the house and go out as long as your always with one of us and were see how things work out. If things go ok and you and Timmy can stay out of trouble then maybe next month when school starts up you can go."

"But theres a catch to this." Aaron said walking into the room.

"Witch is...?" I asked.

"If anything happens and you end up in any danger then im sending you to Bigfoot private Academy."

I knew about it everyone did. It was a all boys school in the forest where all the smart kids went. It was a strick place no TV, Internet, Or phones. Witch ment no more Timmy...

"Well do you agree?" Lizzy asked.

"Yea..." I agreed

"Good." Aaron said.

Im not going get in danger. Not when im with Timmy. Nothing can go wrong with him...

(Sorry if its not the best its like 3am and im watching kootra, nova, spoon and ssohpkc playing dead island so im not really paying attentions XD)

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