Chapter 2

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We later emerged. My clothes were rumpled. I felt like crying, screaming, and dying all at once. He led me to a small room below deck, with a small bunk. Jack shut me in and locked the door. I collapsed and sobbed myself to sleep. Sometime later, I don't know how much later, I heard a knock at the door. In came a boy about my age. Brown curls spilled from the bandana he wore. He had big soft brown eyes. In his hands was a tray of what could barley be called food.
"Sorry it's disgusting. If it makes you feel better, it's what the rest of us eat too." He chuckled nervously. "I'm Finnegan, or Finn for short by the way." I wiped my tears as if to wipe away my pain.
"I-I'm Arabella." He looked at me with pity.
"I know what he did to you." He said quietly. "Captain has a hunger that can only be quenched by young girls. I'm sorry. There isn't much escape until he finds another or worse." I burst into tears a second time. Finn sat next to me on my bunk. I looked up at him.
"I just don't know what to do. I want to run but we must be 100 miles out to sea!" He gently and cautiously pulled me into an embrace. I flinched and he pulled away.
"Sorry" he said.
"I think even the sound of a man breathing would make me want to die." I explained. He stood up.
"I'll leave you then." I nodded and laid down. He left my room. I cried for a bit more. Then I picked up the food he gave me. I stood and checked to see if the door was locked. It was open but they probably figured I couldn't run away. I turned back to my room and saw a small closet. Inside was a beautiful coat that swept behind me when I walked. I put it on and ventured out of my room. I found the galley where a man, that I presumed was the cook, lay snoring On the table was a small dagger that I picked up carefully so as to not wake the slumber he man. I turned around only to nearly trip on Raven. I let out a small yelp that startled the cook but did not wake him. I picked up the beast and put him on my shoulder, which he somehow perched. I stumbled around on the rocking ship until I found a flight of stairs leading upwards. I squinted into the sun and crawled out on deck. Near the stairs was a cluster of barrels. On of the men came towards me, I squeezed myself behind the barrels to hide. I peeked in between the barrels to see most of the crew snoring, the rest were manning the ship. Even the captain was out of sight. It was cool but not cold, like a lazy afternoon. I must have slept for at least a day. I decided to stay behind the barrels until nightfall, when I would make my escape.
So concludes the second chapter. Thanks for reading! Stay tuned to find out if Arabella makes her daring escape!

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