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         "Thank you, Lana, that poem was beautiful!" Ms. Greer told me taking my assignment from my hands.
          I smiled at her genuinely before taking my seat between Taylor the gossip and Jack the jock that has me tutor him occasionally, but part of me believes he doesn't just expect to study when I come over. Of course I keep it professional and he has yet to make any major moves, but I'd prefer to keep it on an acquaintance type basis. 
          The bell rang over the chatter of the students and like most teacher Ms. Greer tried to remind us about a quiz tomorrow, but everyone was too busy trying to shuffle around as fast as they could. I collected my things as well and began the endless journey through the halls of Carleton High where people like to make out with their significant others, reek havoc, and repeat. 
       The lockers have been red since 1980 and there is still blood stains on the wrestling matts from when my father went to school here. The principal has been the same for thirty-six years and Coach Evert has been here for twenty, along with many other teachers who've stayed in the same position. Nothing much really changes here and, if I'm being honest, I don't mind.
       I met up with Taylor and some other girls for cheer practice before I finally left to go home. On my way to my aunt Rachel's coffee shop I waved at the same people I always do; Carol from the bakery, Henderson at Joe's Meat Market, Dennis and Laura Foss at the flower shop. All family friends I've kept in contact with after my parent's passing. 
       I saw the sign I see every single day, Coffee at Tanners. My dad thought it would be a good pun like Breakfast at Tiffany's, but I wish he wouldn't have. I grin to myself and continue, hearing the little bell ding above my head as you take your first step inside.
      Aunt Rachel was scrambling around trying to keep tables clean and ready before finally acknowledging me, "Hey stinker," She set a spray bottle with some cleaner in it down on the table then reverted her eyes to me, "How was school? Make good choices?"
       "Yes." I answered awkwardly, passing her to the bar stool at the counter, "What's up with you?"
I set my bag onto the counter and started to take out some weird assignment Ms. Thomas gave out today.
        "Okay, now don't freak out," She walked on the other side of the bar and started to chew on her nails, pausing as if she was trying to make out the words.
"Well?" I giggled, slightly intrigued.
         "Okay, okay. Do remember a man named Daniel Ashby or something, friend of your fathers?" She awaited my response and I shook my head, "Well let's just say they were close. He recently found out about the accident and I know I shouldn't be excited and I should return it and forget it ever happened but..."
"But? But what?" Curiosity blared through my tone as I got more and more concerned.
         "He gave me a check for thirty-thousand dollars!" She exclaimed and held up the check.
"What?" I stood to my feet and took it from her hands in awe, "How-why-what?"
          I couldn't form a proper sentence, so I took a deep breath,"Who on earth has thirty-thousand dollars to just give to random strangers. I guess he knew dad, but still that's a lot of money."
        "I have no clue, but we have enough to pay off the shop and hang some new light fixtures! We even have enough to fix the leaky roof!" My aunt continued with excitement. "It's such a relief," She then became quiet, "But I can't accept it."
        "Aunt Rachel," I handed her the check, "I'm usually one to agree, but look at this place...we need this money."
         She sighed, "I'm just going to take it to Greg at the police station tomorrow to see if it's even real, we can decide after that."
I nodded and then smirked at her, "Speaking of Greg, have you let him take you to dinner yet?"
         "No." She scoffed, "If you must know he's taking me to Gwen's gallery opening Saturday night, but we are just friends."
"Mhm." I exaggerated my eye roll, "Just make sure he has you back home by midnight."
           "Gosh, Lana." She began to make a fresh pot of coffee, "I should be telling you this. What about you missy?"
           "Seriously Rach? When as there ever been anything interesting in my life? I don't date, I don't have any close friends but you." I laugh it off.
           "I know. I know." She came over to me and put her arm around my shoulder, "One day a special boy is going to walk up to you an steal your heart out of your chest. Then you'll be forced to let people in. Maybe one day...they could even meet the real Lana I know and love."
           She kissed my cheek and continued with the coffee. I looked down at my feet. If only I had the chance.

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