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"Somethings aren't meant to be forgotten like a friend"

Hey loves just wanted to say ILYSM



Today I decided to go and visit Maya why? Well I kinda like her. I mean sure I said I wanted to stop and be friends but I don't want that between us I want more than friendship from her.

As soon as I got there I went through the windows and saw her in her desk with a blade my eyes were wide open she was crying

"Maya don't do it!" I yelled

"LUCAS what are you doing here!?"

"Maya whatever you do don't do it please"

"Lucas this is what I want"

"Maya give me the blade"


"LUCAS! LUCAS! WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THERE!?" Riley yells from the other side of the door I finally got the blade

"Please just let me do it I want to be in peace" Maya says in between sobs

"is this your solution Maya risking your own life?"

"is just want to be with her I want my mom she's the only one I got" I sight and went to her in the corner and pulled her in for a hug

"Maya I know how much she means to you but I- we don't want you to do this okay your not alone I'm- we're here for you"

"it's just doesn't compare"

"I know" I said and tried to calm her down I tried to help her up but instead she collapsed I caught her

"Maya? Maya? Wake up please don't do this we need you"

"HELP!" I yelled then Riley comes running in

"MAYA!" She says

"What happened?"

"I tried to help her out she wanted to cut herself when I got here then I go the blade then as I help her up she collapsed"

"Call 911" I nod then sooner or later they rushed her to the hospital


I was finishing up my work when Cory called

Shawn: hey Cor what's up?

Cory: Shawn you got to come over now!

Shawn: why what happened!?

Cory: Maya's in the hospital

Shawn: I'll be there!

After I hung up I went to my boss

"Carl look I need to go home to New York"

"Shawn you haven't even started yet"

"Carl please"

"Shawn if you just want to see your friends I'm sorry but you can't"

"My daughter is in the hospital Carl I need to see her!" He then looked at me I gave him a serious look

"Okay I hope she's fine but you better come back as soon as possible"

"Thanks and I will" I said


As soon as I got there I saw Cory and Topanga

"is she okay?"

"Yeah she's fine the kids are in there with her" Cory said I nod and went in


As soon as I woke up I quickly knew where I was right now Riley is giving me a pep talk about taking care of myself,  what she doesn't know is how I really feel then the door open

"Shawn!" I said

"Maya are you okay?"

"Yeah I am"

"I need to talk to you" he said I nod knowing he's gonna be mad at me somehow


Well there you go oh and = means skip time bye loves

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