First day of school

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P.S. This story is written in third person.

It was a chilly day; Heather was being dropped off at school by her mother. She shuffled out of the car, as her mother tried to grab her and kiss her. Heather's feet touched the gravel beneath her with a loud crunch.
"Have a beautiful day honey! Good luck! Don't forget to pay attention in class! Oh, and don'tfogettofindyourlockerandmakefriendsandnhdhsksnchduennncnxkiuudhhhdsskskcjmllalalowiry."
Heather was embarrassed.
People were beginning to stare at Heather; her crazy mum still shouting out inspirational sentences, through the open car windows.

"Ok mum, relax. Chill. I'll see you soon," whispered Heather.

"Good luck my beautiful, adorable ray of sunshine!"

At last, Heather's mum finally drove off with a loud screech. Jesus, thought Heather. Out of all the times heather's mum had embarrassed her, that was one of the worst times.
A few people were still glaring at Heather and a few girls were even giggling quietly. One of the giggling girls started walking towards Heather. The playful bounce in the girls' walk, made Heather assume that she was a girly-girl.

"Hey, nice mum!" Yelled the girl. A few girls behind her started to laugh.
"What does she do for a living? Gardening?" Soon the entire courtyard was filled with loud, obnoxious laughter. By now, everybody was staring and pointing with smiles spreading across their faces.

Just as a few more girls were beginning to approach Heather, the bell rang and the students began walking to class.

Heather slowly made her way up to where the girls were standing and she stopped. The scent of their perfume was still floating around in the air, as everybody made their way into the busy school hallways. She then continued walking. When she was finally face-to-face with the front of the school, she took a deep breath, only to be pushed by someone on her way into the school halls.

She fell to the ground; her cheeks grazing the black gravel.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry! I'm such a clumsy bugger! You'll have to excuse me, I'm in a bit of a zwodder today," mumbled the girl that bumped into Heather.
"I really am sorry. I'm Beatrice." Beatrice let go of her books with one hand and put it in front of Heather to ask her for a handshake.
"Hey, I'm Heather. It's ok, people bump into me all the time." Heather couldn't help but notice how Beatrice was dressed.
Plain grey shirt with a black cardigan, grey leggings and blue Nikes.
"Are you new around here?" Asked Beatrice.
"Yes actually. Yeah. I was wondering if you would help me find my locker?"
"Sure! I love helping people. That's one of my main goals in life. To help people."
After that, there was a long silence.
"So umm. Where's your locker?"
"It's number...386."
"Great! That's to the left of my locker! I'll show you right now, just follow me. I hope we can be good friends!"
"Me too!"

For once, Heather wasn't being sarcastic.

Hello, person that is reading this. Please let me know if you are enjoying this and if i should continue this story. :)

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