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"Luke drove you home that night and- and you two got in an accident. He drove right into a truck, the whole side of the car ripping off, sending you flying into a tree. The doctors said you were lucky to survive because you could have totally ruptured your lung but you were okay. But that wasn't it. You were alive, breathing. In a coma, but you were okay. But that didn't mean everything was going to go back to normal. Because hell, it didn't.

You were in the hospital for 1 month. A whole month I had to go feeling guilty while you were in a coma, and turn another month you had to spend in recovery but you weren't able to talk to anyone. Just gibberish and nonsense came out of your mouth, like a new born baby.

I stayed with you the whole time, sang you songs and slept there until they kicked me out. I ate every meal with you, told you stories. Wrote you songs and watched 90210 with you every Tuesday when it came on, and pretty little liars every Sunday. You were getting better and everything was going okay. About 3 months after the incident, the doctor, s-she told me they had bad news. The moment they told me you had-had... I'm sorry." He breathed in, a sob escaping his position. "You had am-amnesia, my whole world fell apart."


"The love of my life, my best friend, you, Arabella, had amnesia. And when I went to see you, I stayed with you, held your hand. You just looked up at me in a questioning look, pulling your hand away and waving for the nurse, asking her who I was. You didn't remember me. You had no idea.

Luke never came and saw you. Not once. He never came back to school, just locked himself in his room. I went to see him, he had to have his arm amputated. I saw him and I was planning on yelling at him but when I saw his arm, when I saw his broken empty face, and when the first thing he asked was if you were okay, I knew that he cared, and just as broken as me. Maybe even more, since he blamed himself.

So I told him everything that happened since the crash. I told him every detail, all the food you ate, and he never told me to shut up or I was annoying. He wanted to know everything and so much more, but I only knew so much. And when he found out you had permanent brain damage I know he blamed it on himself. I comforted him best I could, even if I hated him. He was going through much more than me, and I was hurting a hell of a lot.

He picked himself up, screaming loudly and punching walls. It was scary, but I tried my best to keep calm and keep HIM calm. I ran over to him, I tried to- to calm him down and then he just fell- just collapsed to the ground, a weeping mess. And so I got on the ground and laid next to him, closing my eyes and then we fell asleep on the floor together, tear stained cheeks and dreaming of broken hearts and memories we won't be able to burn away but you won't be able to remember.

I can't even a/n at this point in the book sHit -Fran

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