Chapter I - Life On Earth

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As I walk toward the house that I reside in, the sight of the girl in glasses next to me beneath the reddened sky is that worth of a painting. Her white shirt with a school logo stitched to the left breast pocket clings to her well-endowed chest and her knee length black skirt waves in the blowing wind, her blonde hair which is tied into a ponytail sways as she walks and her green eyes glow like emeralds in the afternoon sun. The girls name is Elsia Pandora, and she is my childhood friend that I have been living with for the past fifteen years. Well, thinking about it that way I guess she's more like my sister than a friend.

Like always, the walk home from today's boring day at school is almost as boring as school itself so I decide to watch the sun as it sets, this magnificent sight alone is worthy of a canvas, but once Elsia is added to the scene it is worthy of something better than that. But seeming as I am not an artist I cannot think of anything better than a canvas.

As Elsia and I continue to walk back to our home I begin to see the house in the distance, the reddish tiled rooftop and the cream exterior walls that enclose the house are visible due to the house being the only two story building in the long street. The roof that pokes above all the rest stands out, as do the cars in front. A bright red five seated V8 and a four-wheel-drive that has sticker decals of bullet holes along the side in an attempt to look somewhat like a pinstripe.

The walk to the door is crowded, both the cars and Ceff's tricycle block our path but we still manage to pass by as we do every day. The keys in my hands rattle and cling as they come in contact with one another as I put one of them into the front door to unlock it. The click followed by the door opening allows us to enter to the sound of a loud game of football and the crashing of dishes of preparing dinner.

Calling out over the noise of speakers as I take off my shoes I yell out "We're back!" to alert the arrival of the family's daughter and their own personal freeloader... Me.

"Welcome back!" calls out the woman who is cooking for the family.

The amount people living within this house come to a total of five including myself, those five being; Elsia's father Joe Pandora, Elsia's mother Stacy Pandora, Elsia's younger brother Ceff Pandora, Elsia herself, and me Allan Bell, the freeloader.

In this family I feel as if I do not fit in so I tend to hide away in the space of my room and keep myself enveloped in the world beyond my computer screen. Doing this helps me both alleviate built up stress from being bullied at school and to avoid thinking of anything unnecessary.

As I begin to walk up the carpet covered stairs I hear Stacy call yet again "How was school today?!"

And as I continue walking up the stairs I reply with a typical "School's school." In order to avoid having to provide any detail about my day at that horrible place.

I then open my door which is right in front of the stair case as you reach the top and I shut it behind me as I turn on my light and enter the room. On the inside of my room there is a bed, a chest of draws, a desk and desk chair. These four things combined occupy majority of the space with in this small room but it is all I need.

Tapping the mouse as I walk past the desk the computers fan comes roaring to life and the LCD screen on the desk behind my glowing mouse and keyboard lights up in a blue colour as I take off my white shirt and throw it onto the unmade bed. I walk to the chest of draws and open the middle one, grabbing the top shirt of the right most pile. I place the plain grey short sleeve T-shirt over my head and I go back to sit at my desk in the black chair placed in front of it.

I open up the my explorer of choice held on my desktop and I begin to search for things of interest such as game news and the

like. I sit at my desk for roughly half-an-hour and when I hear my stomach growl I take off my headset and listen out for a call from someone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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