Chapter 1

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"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more."

— Angelita Lim

Chapter 1

I should have never come here. Here I am, at one of those company parties where my dad works at. My Dad is a heart surgeon at one of the top hospitals in the country. 

He left me alone near the buffet table to talk to his fellow doctors. I barely know anyone here; I shouldn't have agreed to come here.

I wasted my efforts to come here. I went to the nearest veranda, since I don't want to look like an odd one in the party. 

The air was cold; you could see the garden lighted by the post and a silhouette of a lean man standing near one of the post. I instantly got goosebumps, it was dark and all I can see is smoke coming out of his mouth.

His head slightly tilted and his left hand on his neck. I think he felt my presence since he turned around and looked at me. 

He has this ruffled hair, which seem as if he had just woken up, and this eyes that can make you become curious on what he is thinking about.

"Appreciating the view, aren't we?" he said to me, grinning and then smoked another puff. "It's free to look, but expensive to touch." as he throws the cigarette and walks to me.

I can't seem to muster a word as he takes steps towards me. A few moments later, I found him in front of me, directly looking into my eyes. 

Now that he is closer, I see that his eyes are hazelnut-like in color; I can clearly see stubbles on his face which made him a little bit more mature.

"I see you two have met." My father came, stealing my attention holding champagne in his hand.

"I don't think I have caught your name..." He said as he offers his hand to me.

"Shane. Shane Jameson." I said as I took his hands, his hands were warm even though it is freezing outside. I can feel electricity when he touched my hands.

"Liam. Liam West." He said as he squeeze my hand, grinning.

"Now that the introductions are finished, let's all go inside. It's cold here." He motioned us to go inside. "By the way Liam, how is your father? We have barely seen him around."

"Well, my parents are out of the country, with all the surgeries my father have done I think he wanted to spend time with my mother." He said, smiling at my father and glancing to me.

So his father is also a doctor here.

"Dr. Jameson! Come over here." I heard as a colleague call him.

"I will come back later, take care of my daughter, Liam." He said as he walks towards his friend.

Great! I am left with this guy who is oozing with sex appeal.

"So you think I am a guy who is oozing with sex appeal?" he said smirking. Is smirking and grinning all he can do?

"Yes. Wait. What?" I said realizing what I just said.

"Can't blame you though for thinking like that." He said smiling. "I know all that but you don't have to be that obvious." He said. Therefore I conclude that he is a jerk.

"I am not a jerk." He said. I looked up to him; I don't think I said that out loud. "No. You didn't say it out loud, I just assumed that was what you were thinking, and I guess I am right."

"Is all you can do is stare and look?" he said to me. Now I'm pissed.

"Is all you can do is smirk and talk nonsense?" I said to him. Looking straight to his eyes. Shock was written all over his face.

"Whoa. I didn't think that Princess Jameson is feisty." He said as he grabbed a drink from the walking waiter.

"I don't think you think at all." I said looking around for my father.

He gulped down his drink and held my hand. He pulled my through the crowd and stopped in the center. He placed my hands in his shoulders and placed his hands on my waist. I was about to let go and walk away when he held me closely and whispered, "Make a scene and I'll kiss you in front of everyone." I looked at him and he seemed serious, like fucking serious.

So again, I just quietly placed my hands in his shoulders. He seemed pleased. "Submissive Jameson." He grinned again.

"Asshole West." I said.

"Feisty Princess Jameson" he laughed. He is enjoying this argument.

"Jerk West."

"All stare and look Jameson."

"All grin and smirk West."

"Gorgeous Jameson."

I stopped making comebacks when he called me gorgeous. His hands on my waist pulled me closer. He smiled at me. Not smirk or grin. Smile.

"You have beautiful eyes, Jameson." Then suddenly the lights went out. I can hear whispers and gasps. I was about to let go when I felt something soft on my lips.

He is kissing me. I was shocked. I can feel him taunting me to respond. I found myself responding to his kisses, I can still taste the champagne on his lips. His hands pulled me closer, and I roam my hands on his hair. His smells like smoke and mint, with a mixture of his cologne. Why am I kissing a man I just met an hour ago? His lips were addicting. 

We were panting when we let go. And then the lights came back.


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