|02|Chapter 1|

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The wind blew, the birds chirped, and the people shouted. It was a normal day for Konohagakure. The trees were softly swaying in the breeze as the village grew noisier.

Now, our main topic here is not the village. 'Tis a girl with white hair and red eyes. She was strolling around the village— quite slowly, I may add. She was running late to the hokage's call. You see; I never said anything about the thing that made her so sluggish this morning.

The hokage had assigned her to keep watch over a young man called "Naruto". He was quite the troublemaker, I may say. "Stupid work, stupid Naruto, stupid.." She muttered. "You must be powerful, they say. You must be beautiful, they say. Shut the eff up, I said." She mumbled.

"Ne, nii-san. When will you come back?"

"Why were you so late, (Name)? You do know that this is an important matter." The hokage stated calml, not even glancing at her. He was painting something while blowing the wooden pipe.. thing.

"I said that I will assign you to a C-ranked mission--" "But guarding a ninja is useless. He has the Kyuubi, after all."  She bluntly said. The hokage faced her, his eyes were half-lidded as he he continued to blow on his pipe-thing.

"But he is a mere student in the academy, is he not?" He retorted. 'Still, you didn't say that when I was a student in the academy.' She thought 'I also have something dangerous inside of me. Why not have someone protect me, Jii-san?'

Yes,  the hokage is the proclaimed 'grandfather' of (Name) since the day he found her.

"Fine, but when he gets stronger, you will not continue to let me guard this person." Said the girl. "It is what it is. By your word, you will guard him until he gets stronger." He said.

'This is so gonna be a hassle.'
(You: Lala) (Yui: la la) (Tsukiyo: la la) (Kotori: la la) (Hotori: lala)
'Why the h-*seal bark* did you f-*crow noise* agree to that old man?! And stop covering my f-*dolphin noise*  swears with animal noises. GOD!'
'You know, Yui, isn't it kinda ironic that you yelled 'GOD!' even though you're a demon?'
'Shut the h-*seal bark* up.'
'Maybe he was calling for me, Hime.'
'As if  Tsuki bas-*cat meow*.'
'Shut up. I'm trying to sleep.'
'Ne, hime-sama, Why is there animal noises?'
'No need to know, Hotori.'
'Aww *pouts*'

After the annoying conversation and the innocently adorable questions of Hotori, the white-haired jonin decided to zone out. After all, we have a student to guard.
Your Pov
"What is this, Mission Impossible?" I muttered. If you were wondering, I was sitting on a tree, looking through the window by a pair of binoculars. "I feel as if I'm stalking..."


"Naruto! I'm at the end of the rope  here! I will not tolerate these foolish acts!" Iruka scolded. He had Naruto tied up while Naruto stuck his nose up, ignoring Iruka.


"Heh, I like this kid."I laughed "he got spunk.". I wiggled a little on my tree branch still looking at the window by the pair of binoculars.

'You do know you have byakugan. Right?'
'Uh, yeah, but I have to do this so it can feel like as if it's a spy mission *sloppy grin*'
'Whatever. I'm going back to sleep. G'night.'

I rolled my eyes playfully as I heard Kotori snore in my mind. I sweat-dropped— who knew that a tailed-beast can be this lazy? I crawled to the edge of the branch, still holding my binoculars, and--


--fell. I blinked my eyes as pain shoot on my butt. I stood up awkwardly and rubbed my hip. "Okay, that was a bad idea." I stated, eye twitching. I heard the howls of laughter from Yui,  a few snickers from Tsukiyo and a string of worried apologies from Hotori.

'Shut up.'
'Oh my demon, you-you fell. HAHAHAHAHAHA!'
'Are you okay? I'm so sorry for letting you fall!'
'Aww, that's okay Hotori.'

I comforted Hotori whilst a certain brown-haired chunin looked at the window, shocked as if Kakashi chidori'd him.

... heh, I made a pun
End Of Chapter 1

Author's note:

I'm sorry I have not updated for a while since school started, projects, exams were starting to thrown at us vigorously.  I will end this cliffhanger on the next chapter I'll edit.

My apologies,

Forgotten【Naruto Various x reader】『under heavy editing』Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt