|03|Chapter 2.1|

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Hey! I'm alive everybody!
Random things for today!
(Name)'s favorite song!
Your POV
"(Name)?" Iruka stated, slowly walking to the window. I sighed and teleported inside. "What Iruka? Missed the fabulous me? Of course you did!" I said sarcastically. "Ah, yeah, I guess." He said sheepishly while rubbing his cheek with his finger. "Iruka-sensei? Who's the girl, 'ttebayo?" A childish voice asked.

I peeked behind Iruka as I raised and amused brow. "Is this Naruto?" I asked "He's quite the troublemaker from what I heard." I smirked. I stopped down to his height pat his head. I tilted my head and grinned softly. He flushed as he turned his head shyly. "Y-yeah. I'm Naruto Uzumaki! BELIEVE IT! I'm gonna be the future Hokage!" He grinned, turning to face me.

I chuckled softly. "I believe it." I mumbled "Well, I believe Iruka is the only one who knows me here." I cleared my throat "I am (Name). I am two years older than you. And I'm a jonin."

"Any questions?"
"Why is your hair white?""Why are your eyes red?""Are you single? (The common question)""What clan are you from?""What's your last name?"

I breathed. "Because it is. Because it is. Yes. I don't want to tell you. I still do not want to tell you." I exhaled. "Any more questions--"

"What's your favorite color?""What's your favorite food--"

"Enough!" The door slammed open revealing a black-haired girl who had her eyebrows furrowed. "Please stop with the questions." She turned to me and smiled.

"Ah, Sora-chan. Ohayo." I waved lazily. "Yes, good morning to you too. (I've inserted my OC!)" She said, waving back. "Anyway, now that the students stopped talking. Please inform them of your 'mission'." Her face went back to stoic as she faced the students. "Mission?" They asked in unison. I sighed. "I am here take care of the boy, Naruto, therefore I am his guardian from now on." I stated.

"What?! THE OLD MAN ASSIGNED ME A GUARDIAN!? WHY!?" He shouted. Sora and I rubbed our sore ears. "You being the troublemaker you are, I have to care of you." I said sternly. "EHH!?"

--Sora-chan's POV--

(Tsubaki: hmmm) (Sora: mmhhmm)

Sora, I feel strange chakra from the boy
Well, Tsubaki if you LISTENED from the conversation EARLIER you could've known why! *bonks head*
Ittai, gomenasai. *rubs head*

I rubbed the temple of my nose as I made my way to leave. "Eh? Sora-chan? Leaving already?" (Name) tilted her head whilst raising her eyebrow. "Hai. I need to do something to, you know." I smiled softly, ruffling her hair. "Don't do that!" She pouted, slapping my hand away. I chuckled ( Sora: Why do I act like a deredere boy here?). "Ja ne~" I teleported away, probably--

NOPE. Leaving my presence like a cloud of dust. POSITIVE.

--(Name)'s POV--

"Stupid, older, sister!" I muttered. I faced them again and smiled. "My favorite color is--" and I continued their questions.



DONE! This will be continued in the next chapter since *I need to rewatch this episode. A little rushed with a sprinkle of crossover.

JA ne!

Forgotten【Naruto Various x reader】『under heavy editing』Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt