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81. - In the last days, this wicked woman would go out over the face of the whole earth. She would be associated with a global curse. Her final destination would be Babylon in the land of Shinar (Zechariah 5). Interestingly, the apparition of Mary claims that she will soon travel through the entire world saving those who look to her.

82. - Epidemic drug use foreseen (Revelation 9:21). The Greek word translated sorceries is pharmakeia which can also refer to drug use, both illegal drugs and mind-altering drugs. The use of illegal drugs and the dispensing of mind-altering drugs has risen sharply during our current generation.

83. - Sorceries referring to witchcraft, magic, or occult practices used to enchant and deceive are also anticipated in the last days (Revelation 9:21; 18:23; 21:8; Isaiah 47:9-15; Micah 5:10-15). Today, interest in the occult is flourishing.

84. - Preparations for a global war anticipated (Joel 3:9-14; Matthew 24:22; Revelation 16:14). Never in history have so many nations stockpiled weapons of mass destruction.

85. - Environmental devastation of the planet foreseen (Revelation 11:18). Our generation has done more to ravage the environment than any previous generation.

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