Chapter 2.

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I work in a restaurant as a waitress. I spend the day cleaning tables, scrubing dishes and supporting customers that fells better than you, just by sitting at a table that you should attend. Many people don't realize that the integrity of what they have in their mouth, is in your hands.

The mere thought of tthis, is comforting. I have never done something to the food of someone, but the posibility is always there. I can cross the line in the moment that I wish.

I have partners that have spitted in the food of people arrogant and despots. I, on the other hand, always try to do my best so the customers feel satisfied with my work. The tips are pretty good when you try hard enough.

It's been a busy week. My days arwe resume in getting up, go to work, come bck, do some cleaning and go to sleep. That has been my routine in the last few months.

I could sell my computer some days ago. Actually, it wasn't hard to do. When you know the right persons, everthing is posible. Anyway, I had to work estra time to have enough to buy some things from the supermarket and pay the services.

The provision of alcohol of my father is been well stocked thanks to the money of the neighboor.

I remember myself that I need to pay that money; so, when I get my payment, it's the first thing that I save.

Everyone at work have agreed to go for a drink after the day. I don't have enough age to go in a bar and I can't spend money that I don't have.

-: You can come if you want- Kim, one of my friends says. She is four years older than me, but the age is no problem for us to hang along.

-: I'm dead- I give her a weak smile -: The only thing I want is to go my house and sleep until tomorrow.-

She rolls her eyes to the sky, while she shakes her head.

-: Your nineteen Maya. You should have more fun- she says -: You act like a fourty year old woman with two kids.-

A laugh with no fun comes out of my mouth, and I try to hide how the words hurt me. If my life was as normal like any other nineteen year old girl, probably I wont act like that.

"If she only knew..."

-: ¿Your calling me embittered?- I joke, but there is a woundes edge in my tone. She wraps my shoulders with one of her arms.

-: I'm just saying that you need some time for you- the warmth of her tone overwhelms me completly.

-: Perhaps next payment - I promise -: I didn't ask for permission. My dad will get angry.

Kim grimaces apologetically.

-: Sometimes I forget that you are still a family girl. It's been years since I havn't seen or hear abou my parents.- She half smiles. I notice that it's hard to her to talk about it, but I will never dare myself to inquire into her personal life.

-: Maybe you should look for them.- I try to sound casual, but I failed terribly.

-: Maybe...- the hue of sadness in her voice makes me wonder what force her to stay away from her family.

-: I should go- I pull away from her hug and give her a smile.

-: Take a taxi -She looks at me sternly- I don't want to see your body tomorrow in the news.

I roll my eyes to heaven.

-: Drama Queen - I mumble and quickly say -: I'll be carfull.

-: See you tomorrow - She half yells when I walk along the empty street. I limit myselg to wave my hand to her before I turn around and walk away.

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