Chapter 10

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"I look ridiculous." I complain to Annabeth and I pull at my bow tie.

"You look fine."  Annabeth reassures me.  She looks very sophisticated in her black tuxedo, where as I look silly.  My tuxedo is pink, the only one that the closet had left.  I store my wand in the inside pocket of the overcoat.

"You never look ridiculous."  Percy says under his breath, but I hear him and swat his arm.  He fakes pain and Annabeth smiles and rolls her eyes.  We walk out of the closet in the parking lot that is for employees only.  All you need is a simple memory charm to make everybody think you are an employee.

"Well, let's get a move on."  I say and walk forward toward the front of the giant hotel that the parking lot belongs to.

"I really don't think anybody will be mad about us taking the cars, they'll be in there forever."  Percy motions to the hotel.  I frown.

"What?"  I ask.

"This is the Lotus Hotel and Casino.  Barely anyone leaves, it makes time seem shorter.  We were trapped there once, we managed to realize what was happening and left."  Annabeth answers.

What an odd place, I think to myself.

We stand waiting under the glow of the big chandelier that is hanging right above the entrance.  Percy looks nice in his also black tux.  He straightens his bow tie when he sees me looking at him.  I quickly look away.

A man in a black car with tinted front windows drives toward us.  He is tall and stubble covers his neck and chin.  His black hair looks filthy.  He holds out his hand to Percy, and in it are his keys.

"Will you park my car?  I need to show you one quick thing about it's drive first, if you would."  The man says.

"We will all park your car, it is part of our deal."  Percy says.  The tall man nods.  I raise my eyebrows at Annabeth, why did this man not question the three of us together?  Anyone else would have.

The man leads us to his car.  He opens the back doors for Annabeth and me, then he opens the passenger side for Percy.

"I thought I was driving, sir?"  Percy asks, clearly confused.  I suddenly feel sick.

"Annabeth, this is wrong."  I whisper.

"Stealing isn't good, but it is what we have to do."  Annabeth sighs.

"No.  This situation.  It's wrong.  I have a bad feeling, why is he in the driver's seat?"  Annabeth's eyes widen as Percy gets in the passenger seat.  She reaches for the handle of the door, but I hear a click, and it doesn't open.

"Sir, I forgot my pocket book.  Might I go fetch it?"  I ask, my voice cracking.

"No, I must show this young man about the car."  He turns to face Percy. 

"All you have to do is push this button to make the car start."  The man puts on a gas mask.

"NO!!!" I hear Percy scream, but the man presses the button.

Everything goes black.

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