Raion to Hato (The Lion and the Dove) Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Ava, Bering, Claire, Maddy, and Reid

Raion to Hato


Chapter 1

I crouched behind the ferns, ready to pounce on my sister, Deer. For a split second I turned away, and she was gone. What? Suddenly Deer jumped on my back from behind and tackled me to the ground. Playfully growling I rolled over and pinned her. “Ha! I win!” She wriggled free. “You always win, Leo!” Brushing my golden hair from my eyes I tilted my head, sitting up to my knees. “No I don’t.” She scowled at me. “Yes you do. Always. Because you’re the ‘perfect fighter’.” She crossed her arms. I touched my sister’s shoulder. “I’m sorry you think that-” Deer got up and ran away. Sighing I got up and looked at the sky. Grey clouds were rolling in. A storm was brewing. Looking back to where Deer had run, I called after her. It was the Dark Forest! “Deer! Come back! It’s not safe in the Dark Forest! You know about the Storm Creatures!” My brow wrinkled in worry. I called again. “Deer!” She didn’t answer. The sky was getting darker. When I was running back across the creek to the Village, the rain started. The rain poured in buckets and matted my hair and clothes to my body. As I reached the village, my best friend River caught me by the shoulder. “Leo where’s Deer?!” She cried, and without a word I pulled her back to my home, the biggest tree house in the Village. When we burst through the door, I was greeted by my mother. “Leo-” I ignored her too and I let go of River. I quickly scrambled up the ladder to the Outlook. Searching the woods, I started calling for Deer from the balcony. River was instantly at my side, and even though she didn’t know why we were calling. “Leo tell me what happened.” She said calmly. I closed my eyes. “I lost Deer. I LOST my little sister.” River turned me to face her and smiled. “You didn’t lose her. I can see it in your eyes.” River had always been good at that. “And she’s not little anymore, Leo. She can defend herself.” I nodded quickly, and then started calling again. “Leo stop! No one can hear anything over this rain!” I yelled for Deer some more, ignoring River’s suggestion. Then I stopped and reluctantly went back down into the main room. I went left, and entered my bedroom. Sitting down on my bed-a reed mat-I put my head in my hands. Always. Because your the ‘perfect fighter’...perfect fighter... Deer’s words repeated in my head. I felt really bad. I had never realized that Deer felt that way...I always thought she had knew she was an amazing fighter, too. Tomorrow I would go look for her. Tomorrow.

I woke up the next morning at dawn, slipping my sword in my belt. I took red berry paint and put it on my face as war paint. The door creaked as I opened it, and I cringed. Sneaking outside, I ran towards the Dark Forest. No one saw me. That was good. Normally I would’ve hesitated at the presence of the woods, but I went straight in. “Deer! Deer!” I called. No answer. I looked for several more hours. The sun creeped up farther into the sky. I continued searching, getting weary. The sun was at it’s peak. I kept looking. At last, the sun went back down and my feet felt like they could not take another step. I came to a clearing and fell to my knees. Closing my eyes I sighed. Then I shook my head, and frowned. No. I fiercely opened my eyes. “ I will not stop searching. I must find my sister.” Getting back up to my feet I yelled once more. “Deer! Come home!” Suddenly I heard a rustle from a nearby bush. Taking out my sword I pointed it at the bush. “Show yourself!” I growled. I charged through the bushes, and landed in another clearing. A slender girl with white-blonde hair that came down to her hips was sitting by another girl who appeared to be sleeping. The girl looked at me. Her light-blue eyes grew wide. Turning my attention to the other girl I realized it was Deer. “Give me my sister.” I growled. The girl got up. “I don’t want any trouble.” she put up her hands up. I had to strain to hear her voice. Brushing my golden hair from my face I cautiously went over to Deer. Strangely the girl did nothing. She wasn't afraid. “I saved your sister.” I ignored her, picking up my sister. “I'm Bird.” She held out her hand. I looked at her, and awkwardly shook her hand, trying to be polite. “Thanks.” I said, carrying Deer out of the clearing. I could feel Bird staring at my back. As I walked back through the forest I kept thinking about the girl. She saved my sister? What had happened?

As I arrived back at the village, people crowded around me. “Is she okay?” “What happened?” “Where were you?” I waved my hand dismissively. “She’s okay. Let me take care of her.” River met up with me. “Leo, you found her!” she smiled. I nodded. “Come with me.” River looked confused, but followed me to my favorite place-an abandoned bear den in beautiful valley. Setting Deer down on a patch of grass in the valley I looked at River. “River. When I found Deer, she was with a girl.” River’s golden eyes widened. “Was she working with the Dark Forest?” she whispered. I shook my head. “I don't think so. She didn't look like it.” River clenched her fists. “You know about them, Leo! You know they took your father! She could have poisoned Deer!” I looked away. River bent down beside Deer. She pulled her light-brown hair from her neck, and saw a claw mark on Deer’s shoulder. River gasped. I joined River beside my sister. “The Storm Creatures...” I said under my breath. “No.” River shook her head. “It was a Dark Forest spy! It was that girl!” I pointed to the claw mark. “That’s not from a human, River!” She sighed. I stood up, wind blowing my hair. “I’m going back to look for that girl.” I said. Before River could stop me  I ran off again, more people questioning me. Again I set off into the woods. Coming back to the same clearing I saw footprints leading farther into the woods, and I followed them. Pushing away a low branch, I came to a camp, with a couple tents. There were healers and medicine workers everywhere. The tents had claw marks and blood stained on the canvas. There were no children playing outside. There was one elderly man outside and he looked at me. I saw sadness in his eyes. I looked away. This camp was for the sick and elderly, and it wasn’t doing so well. “I’m looking for Bird.” I called, digging the end of my sword in the cracked, dry ground. I waited for a moment, and then she came out from a tent, her white hair dirty with mud. “Hello.” She said. I nodded, and frowned. “Is this where you live?” Bird closed her eyes. “Ever since the Dark Forest attacked, we haven't been surviving well. They are cursing this whole world.” I had to strain to hear her soft voice, but I got enough to know that Bird was not with the Dark Forest, she was against it. Her village was struggling, and I might just be able to help. “Where...where are your parents?” I asked softly. Bird shook her head. “Gone.” I saw a tear run down her face. Walking towards the girl, I put my hand on her shoulder. Bird wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and looked up at me. We met eyes, blue and golden, water and fire, yin and yang.

Thanks for reading chaper one-more to come soon!

~Untill we meet again

Raion to Hato (The Lion and the Dove) Chapter OneWhere stories live. Discover now