No sorry needed-(Lilo)

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Enjoy :) Its a Fluffy!

“You’re like twenty-two girls in one, and none of them know what they’re runnin’ from. Was it just too far to fall? For a little paper doll”

I wake up every morning to Paper Doll by John Mayer. It one of my favorite songs. Today isn't just a normal day though. Today is the day I go to audition for the X-Factor. This isn't my first time last time I was sent home by Simon. He said to come back when I was older. I'm 16 now and ready to prove to Simon how great of a singer I am. I grab my clothes and headed to my shower. I practice “Cry Me A River” by Arthur Hamilton in the shower. I choose the song for my audition today to really show how much I have improved in two years. I decided to wear a simple outfit for today. I was putting the finished touching up my hair before I heard my mum yell for me.

“Liam your breakfast is ready. Come eat before your late.”

“Coming Mum” I wish my parents could drive me to the audition instead of coming later. I have to take the bloody train. Walking down the stairs I could spell all my favorites. My mom likes to go all out of special occasions.

“Morning mum”

“Morning Honey. I made your favorites”

“Thanks mum. I'm going to need plenty of energy for today "After breakfast I had to leave almost right away it was a good 15 minute walk to the train station.

“See you later mum”

“Good luck sweetie” It was a cloudy day in Wolverhampton so not to many people were out walking the streets. Before I knew it I was outside the train station with time to spare. I brought my ticket and a random book and went to find the train. I found an empty seat towards the back and start reading. I had a good 3 hour ride ahead of me. It only took me about an hour and half til I finished the book. I slipped the book into my coat pocket and closed my eyes. I could use a quick cat nap before my audition. I was about to dose off when I heard the most angelic voice ever. I looked up to see a brunette with the bluest of eyes.

“Hi is this seat taken”

“Umm No” Way to go Liam. Could you make it anymore obvious your attracted to him.

“I'm Louis by the way”

“Liam its nice to meet you.”

“So Liam where you heading?”

“Manchester for the X-Factor audition? How about you?”

“Me too” Wow I bet his voice is just as beautiful as him.

“So Liam where are you from”


“Cool. I'm from Doncaster.” He is so friendly and cute. He all I could ever want in a guy. I wish I knew if he was gay. I really want to get to know him.

“Liam” oh dang I must have spaced out. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

“Are you ok you seem a little nervous.”

“Yea well no I'm a little nervous for the audition its my second time back and I have to prove to Simon that I'm ready to make something of myself”

“Well I wish you the best of luck. I'm sure you will do great”

“Same to you” We talked about of lives back home and shared some laugh till it came to a quick end. We got off the bus and headed to the auditions. There were tons of people hear. I'm starting to have doubt the closer it comes to my number.

“Liam Payne your up next” deep breaths Liam you got this. This is what you live to do.

“Good luck Liam.” I melted every time I hear his voice.

“Thanks Louis. In case I don't see you before yours Good Luck.”

“Thanks now get going” I smiled and ran to the stage. They audition went great. I could tell Simon was proud of me. I ran off the stage to be greeted by my parents. We shared many hugs and kisses. Now came the hard part waiting for the cuts. IT felt like hours before we were all called onto stage. They started calling names.

“Sara, Derek, and Laura” I was getting nervous there was three names left to be called and neither me nor Louis's had been called.

“Hannah, Paul, and …. Robert are through the rest of you may leave” I can't believe it I didn't make it. I ran off stage close to tears. I started to cry at the thought of more than just not making it but the fact that the awesome guy I just met may never be mine. I was grabbing my things to leave when they called us all back into a group backstage.

“These people need to go back on stage. Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, and Zayn Malik.”

Why are they calling just us back. I looked over to see Louis not crying yet but very close to tears. I don't think he could take anymore rejection. Without thinking I moved closer and grabbed his hand. He didn't pull away but gave me a light smile that made my heart skip a beat. Simon spoke as soon as we were all on stage.

“Boys your talent was to good to let go to waste so I have decided to put you through in a group together” I couldn't believe it Simon gave us all a second chance. Not only have I made it through but I'm in a band with the guy I want to be mine. I was mid thought when Louis smashed his soft lips to mine. I was in pure shock. Before I could kiss back he pulled away all to quickly

“Sorry I shouldn't have did that” He is so cute when he blushes. Before I could tell him there was no need to be sorry he ran off. I ran after him hoping to catch him. I got to and empty hallway losing him completely. It wasn't till I heard a sob from around the corner that I finally saw him. There was a single tear falling down his face. I walked over to him I can't believe I made this beautiful man cry. I'm such an idiot.

“Louis” He looked up with such sadness in his eyes. I leaned down and pulled him up off the floor.

“Louis there was no reason for you to be sorry for the kiss” With that said I pulled him into a deep romantic kiss. We both pulled away breathless. I grinned knowing this was the start to a great relationship.


So guys I wrote a fluffy Lilo one shot. I tried my best for being a sucky writer, but either way I hope you enjoyed it! :) Comment/Vote please we don't get any comments and we would love to know what your guys think!!!!!

~Niall's Lucky Charm

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