chapter one

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I was finally doing good life is perfect. I've successfully made new friends in my new home in Florida. It was a tough transition from Massachusetts all the way to florida when I've never been to florida. For fourteen years my home was in Massachusetts where all my family lived. Now my family is with my little brother and sister with my mom and step dad. My real dad is still in Massachusetts and I've left everything behind. Being really shy with anxiety in a whole new environment is really hard to make new friends for going to high school my first year. But I've made it and I have new friends. I was a straight a and b student and I was genuinely happy. That year went by fast and it was great. Now school is starting up again and I will be a sophomore this year. Today's my first day back but I'm not nervous about it. I now am excited to see my friends. I get off the bus and scan our usual table and see two of my friends. I unplug my head phones and make my way to the table where my two friends were and so many more were standing. The first to notice me was Tristen. "Hey I haven't seen you in awhile welcome back" he says and hugs me. I smile and hug him back. He was like an older brother to me. I'm fifteen now and he's eighteen. He always is there for me when somethings wrong and I give him advice on girl trouble when he needs it. My friend joey b. Sees me and gives me a hug as well. He's talking to one of his friends I don't reconize. I gave him a hug back in surprise. We talk out of school but rarely in school because he doesn't want anyone to know about what we do when we are alone. Okay so this was when I started not being so good. I'm a little bit slutty at this point. You see joey b. And I help eachother alot. He was heartbroken and the only way I could help was distracting him from the girl who broke his heart with my body. I was his slave at this point and no we didn't have sex but he had certain kinks so we did alot of sexting at night. You see the one thing that he was attracted to was anal so I did that for him despite the pain.. btw I will never do again. In the mean time while I distracted him with my body when he needed to, he also was helping me. He's been through alot and not just a heart break so he understood my pain and my depression. He acts happy and hides his pain by cracking jokes so noone notices but I saw right through him and that's how we first started talking. I started to hate my household at this point so he told me that when he moves out to Pennsylvania and moves in with his roommate he'd take me with him. He told me he'd get me out of the hell I called a house. He listened to my problems and told me soon, I could go with him. Yeah I know he was using me for my body but I didn't mind. I developed a crush on him and I didn't know how to say no. We talked every night and I was never shy around him. He never wanted anyone knowing so I knew to normally avoid him in school. So him saying hello to me and giving me a hug in front of his friend especially since it was a girl surprised me. I smiled happy that he was talking to me in school as well. I could never tell him no when it came to things. We started talking frequently and soon instead of just sexting it turned to videos and face times in the shower. At the time he was perfect.. a singer, he listened to metal as well as country.. he had the looks and he could make me laugh and he was understanding as well as knowing on how to turn me on at the right times. You see this lasted for awhile and then everything came crumbling down between us. This girl whom I've never learned her name to this very day, she was his everything. After all he's been through after she broke his heart he started drinking his pain away. That's until he met me. I slowed him down on his drinking but never got mad if he broke down and drank again. I always comforted him even if he was drunk to the point he didn't know what was happening. He was finally doing better and we were really close. Then this girl decided that she missed him and she wanted him yet again after the third time of breaking his heart. He without a doubt took her back so that slowed our talking down and that put a halt on anything sexual between us. Soon our conversations got shorter until there was no more conversations between us. How I missed the way we were that first day of school. I felt deflated and I suddenly woke up and realized he'd never love me like I wanted. How could I have been a fool to get attached like that? I missed us. He was like my best friend and we were kinda fuck buddies as well. I was in a deep depression for awhile because not only was what we had sexual but he also helped with my meltdowns and he made my home bearable and he gave me hope. All of that was lost and since he never wanted anyone to know about us I had noone to talk to about it and i kept my promise to keep quiet about us around school. Eventually I moved on and kept that hidden pain to myself.

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