Part 9 & Epilogue

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Madhu was crying as she thought about what she heard. She had been crying the whole day remembering that she had been just a bet for RK. She knew he always made bets but she never thought he would make a bet on her. Was everything a lie for the bet? Madhu wondered sadly. She wanted to talk to Bhaiyya or Trishna but then what was she going to tell them? That RK did something like this to her? How could RK do this to her? How could he ever do this? Then she stops in shock, he could never do something like this. What if she had over reacted or misunderstood? Her RK would never do something that would hurt others. No, he could never do it. It is not in him to hurt others. Wiping her tears she hurries to college to talk to him when she realizes that it was already dark. She takes her mobile and calls him, he had tried calling her a couple of times but she had ignored his calls. His mobile was coming engaged. She walks to her hostel and finds Saket, Protheek and Varun. Protheek was on the phone.

"Madhu... listen..." Saket hurries to her worriedly.

"You don't have to tell me anything." Madhu tells them. "I over reacted. RK can never do anything like that. I trust him."

Saket starts smiling in relief, "You scared us."

"I tried calling him but his mobile is coming engaged." Madhu tells him worried. "Is he angry with me?"

"He is not... he was worried that you were angry with him."

Madhu tries his number again and it was coming engaged. "Engaged. Can you ask him to call me?"

Saket looks at Protheek who was still on the phone.

"You go inside, it is late. He'll call you." Protheek tells her.

"Are you on the phone with him?" Madhu asks eagerly noticing he was on the phone.


"Okay... if you see him, please tell him that I am sorry and to please call me... okay?"

"Don't worry, Madhu. You go in now."

Nodding Madhu goes inside her hostel.

"She is coming in." Protheek informs RK on the phone and hangs up.

Madhu tries RK's number as she opened the door and entered her room. It was switched off now. Sighing sadly she locks the door when she feels something on her feet and looks down to find red and blue balloons all over the room. Confused she looks up to find RK leaning on the wall smiling at her.

"RK!" Madhu says happily as she hurried to him trying not to burst the balloons. She hugs him and says crying, "I am sorry, RK. I don't know why I suddenly thought you were with me because of the bet. I am so sorry I slapped you."

RK with a smile wipes her tears.

"I trust you, RK."

"I heard you tell that to Saket." RK tells her smiling. "I was on the phone with Protheek then."

"Are you angry with me?"

"I was but then I realize that it is all because of that stupid bet."

"Stupid bet?"

"Yes." RK tells her smiling. "That day, after the issue with Mads, I was trying to tell you everything and you were acting all that is no big deal. Remember?"

"Yeah." Madhu says confused.

"And the next day Sultan and his friend came to see you, and Saket and the gang started making fun of me saying that I was behaving like a love sick puppy while you were acting as if I don't mean a thing. I was kind of drunk and I made a bet with them that you would be the one who would confess first. "

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