What caused me to cut?

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One day I was at home and my brother was getting his hair cut. My step dad left to go get my mom from work and I asked if I can go with him, he said no. While he was gon his uncle stopped cutting my brothers hair. As I was standing in the door way of my room he unbuckled my belt and began to touch me. Then he stopped and began back cutting his hair. My mom and step dad came home I didn't say nothing of it. My auntie came so her and my mom can go Christmas shopping. While she was gon I started to feel sick and guilty so i called her and told her what happened. She told me to tell my step dad I did. But he denied he did but then mouthed to me why would I tell. My mom came home and called the police. We had to call like 5 times for them to come. But when they came he was already long gone.

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