As we walk into the kitchen I ask. "So ever since you and Harry been best mates have you known he liked you?" "Well, I guess now that I know I notice the signs...
"Hey aria!! wait up, " I turn around to see 15 year old Harry walking up to me with a ring . "Here I got this for you" "Harry what's the occasion u asking me to he your girlfriend?" I ask playfully giggling I see the light in his eyes. "Haha no but it's for you just cause your my best mate." I look on the back of the beautiful diamond studded ring it says "Always and Forever❤" "Awww Harry it's lovely of course we will be best lads forever" now I saw his face flood with sadness but then I never noticed.
"I guess I never put all the pieces together but now that I know this changes everything, I need to text him saying we need to talk tommorow." He actually responds saying, "Sure lets meet at the lagoon." "ok" I replied. I get into my car and turn on music before I know it I'm already there so is Harry.
"Hey Harry we need to talk about all of this."
"Yea I'm sorry about what I did.. just the memories of what happened made me furious.". "Well Harry I'm sorry for not telling you about Nathan it just happened I guess..?" I'm almost on the verge of crying. "Aria can you tell me how it happened". "Fine.
As I'm sitting at the counter at the resturant I begin to cry it was my mums birthday (she passed away 2 years ago) suddenly I feel a hand on my back. I turn around and see nNathan "What do you want!".
"Sorry i just saw you crying and I wanted to see what was wrong"
"Wow you out of people care after all you did to harry!!!!" I see him flush red. "That was never supposed to happen that way,". "Don't bother even trying to say anything." As I walk away I feel