Chapter 9

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As we arrives at her house I walked over to her door and picked her up and she started to giggle loudly

"Harry! Harry!, Ahaha!"

"Princess aria may I take you in thy house" I said with a royal accent

"Why yes you shall prince Harry

As she giggled her eyes lit up with joy I'm glad she is happy again and I am ready to take things slow she is my one love and I'm not going to lose her

"Aria your so beautiful" I said as I set her down on the couch

"Oh Harry i know I am but you thank you" she giggles but then quickly replied

"I'm just kidding but you are very hot" she wiggled her eye brows and tackled me

"Aria you know every time this happens you end up losing" I said while pinning her down

"Harry, Harry stop!" she said while taking a deep breath between be tickling her. Then the door bell rings


As I get up I walk towards the door and open it it's summer but she's all loopy oh wait.... she's wasted -.-

"Hey aria! you look different!". Summer slired as she stumbled into my house

"Umm aria is she drunk?" Harry asked

"I think so come on let's get her on to my bed" as Harry walked over summer tripped and landed on the couch and instantly fell asleep.

"Well I guess she can sleep there" i said while giggling slightly

"Aha I guess so come on let's watch a movie, how bout identity theft?" Harry said

"Sounds good" I said while cuddling up to him on the couch

*2 hours later*




"That was hilarious!!!" Harry belted out while holding his stomach

"I love when you laugh" I said while poking my fingers in his dimples

"You love you to the moon and back and nothing will ever change that in a million years" he said while blushing slightly

Before I know we are in my bed all snuggled up

"Harry I'm sorry for what happened today, I'm just scared" I almost started to cry again

"Aria you don't have to be scared it shy around me your my best friend and girl friend"

"I know it's just idk I need to know its right between us it's just all so strange for me.".

As soon as I said that he locked his lips onto mine and swiftly pulled away leaving a tingling feeling

"Aria I know what we're doing is right I feel it every time I see your warm smile"

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