Chapter 4

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Sorry for not updating in ages. I completely forgot about this fanfic! Here's Chapter 4. As per, I haven't edited this, due to being excessively lazy; because it's been so long, it's not very good. Sorry.

Draco's POV

As soon as he heard the clumsy slur of Ronald Weasley's speech, Draco had flown out of there as fast as he could. His feet carried him straight through Hagrid's vegetable patch and, despite his lack of footwear, he propelled himself forward relentlessly. His heart was slamming in his chest. His body tingled with numbness. He felt as if he were running away from more than the blundering idiot known as Ronald. There was something that had caused him to instinctively sprint away from the situation. He reached the door of the grand castle and paused for a moment, leaning his face against the cool, stone bricks and breathing deeply. The coolness brought relief to his burning cheeks. In spite of the dewy grass gripping his feet with cold and the still, chilled night air causing goose bumps to layer his skin, Draco felt hot. His chest was tight and filled with something he could only describe as a bubble made of boiling water. His face was flushed pink.

Thoughts spiralled around his head.

Thoughts that made his stomach fill with dread; no, the dread was cancerous, it filled his entire body until he was physically shaking.

Swallowing hard, Draco peeled his muddy socks from off his feet and slipped inside, patting rapidly back to the Slytherin common room.

Harry's POV

The slim, pale figure of Draco Malfoy darted away from him before he could even blink. In spite of himself he felt disappointed by the retreating figure, but he also felt relieved. How could he explain him and Draco sitting shoulder to shoulder in the middle of the night behind a tree to Ron? He couldn't even explain it to himself, let alone his best friend who was probably the only other person who hated Draco more than Harry did.

Well, at least, more than Harry used to.

Suddenly noticing how drastically the temperature had dropped and the presence of Ron behind him, Harry turned and gave Ron an awkward grin.

"Why are you out here?" Ron slowly questioned, his tone leaning towards suspicion.

Harry shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets. "The common room was getting too stuffy and I needed to procrastinate in some way." He looked up at his friends face and saw it relax slightly.

"I guess your usual method is bug me to play Wizard chess, eh?" Ron joked guiltily as they began to tread slowly back towards the castle. "I guess that's my fault though."

Harry didn't feel like now was the best time to bring up the fact that his best friend was too busy snogging his other best friend to hang out with him. After all, Harry was happy for them. Thinking about it, he felt a twinge of jealousy. They have it easy. No one cares that they make out and hold hands and have feelings for each other... If Harry reached for Draco's long, delicate fingers...

Shaking his head as if that would banish the destination of that last thought, Harry addressed his friends comment with a forced laugh. "No worries, I've done more work this week than I have this entire year."

Draco's POV

By the next morning, Draco had made his decision. He stared back at himself in the mirror momentarily, seeing the doubt in his eyes, before quickly splashing cold water over his face and hurrying off to breakfast. Potter was a grim, blood traitor. He was conceited and attention seeking and utterly- just- well- just not someone Draco wanted to associate with!

Flipping his white-blonde locks, Draco sauntered into the Great Hall for breakfast, looping an arm around Pansy's shoulders as he did so. Pleased for the attention, Pansy flipped her own hair accordingly and pressed into his side. Flopping himself down on the bench he glanced up and caught Harry's distinctively green eyes. "Green" seemed to not do his eyes justice, actually, Draco thought to himself fleetingly. A flash of something passed over Harry's eyes and a stab of guilt gripped Draco's chest.

He looked away quickly for a reason he couldn't explain but tightened his grip on Pansy. Leaning his lips towards her ear, he whispered in a low, deep tone, "hey, be my girlfriend, yeah?"

Pansy's cheeks flushed pink and she batted her eyelashes annoyingly. Biting her lip, she placed a hand on Draco's chest and nodded. "Sure," she whispered back, matching his low tone.

Something made Draco feel uncomfortable about her hand being on his chest and the tone at which they were speaking. He felt like tossing her tiny, pudgy hand away like he had just dropped a piece of food on his chest by accident and was sweeping it away like trash. He wanted her to stop looking at him like that; it made him feel awkward. Yet, this was something that Draco had pushed away for a long time, long enough for it not to be problem for him to press a fleeting kiss on the corner of her mouth before hopping off the bench and, his mouth dipping into a smirk, he strutted off. The only thing he liked about Pansy was the blatant power he had over her.

Harry's POV

A deep anger swarmed in the pit of Harry's stomach. As Draco pulled his brief eye contact away from Harry, Harry stabbed his spoon into the bowl of cereal in front of him; the spoon bent underneath his grip. Clenching his jaw he tossed the bent spoon aside along with his cereal.

"Woh, Harry," Ginny said, half laughing, half looking at him nervously. She picked up the spoon between her slim figures and waved it in front of him. "Angry much?"

"I just didn't sleep well last night, that's all."

Harry wasn't lying, to an extent, he had not slept well last night at all. His mind had been buzzing non-stop since he and Ron had reached the Griffindor common room. These new, entirely new, thoughts were driving him insane. His eyes fell on Ginny's sweet, pretty freckled face. He'd always thought he liked her, found her attractive, but that seemed so trivial and pathetic now since this-this- this change of scenery.

How else was he to describe it? He'd gone from seeing Draco as scum of the earth to... well the scenery had changed, that was for sure.

"Well, you have herbology now so you better start walking. Ron and Hermione already left, they said bye but you didn't hear them." Ginny looked nervous, as if she could see in his face that something had changed. He felt bad. It had been kind of common knowledge that they were into each other and it would eventually develop into something. But, he'd never looked at her in the way that he was now seeing Draco. Seeing every angle and shadow and curve of his very being. He wanted to look into his silver eyes and memorise the pattern of his iris and the way there were different shades of silver all intertwined in his eyes, like threads.

Yet, clearly, despite all of these thoughts Harry was having and trying to come to terms with, Draco simply wasn't. Draco probably just saw potential friendship. They've grown up and realised that their bickering and making an enemy of one another is childish.

It's not at all that Draco has feelings for him in the way Harry was sure he had feelings for Draco.

Ruffling his hair nervously, Harry slipped off the bench and made his way out of the hall for herbology.


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