Shoplifting that turned into Dinner - Male!Vriska

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  You looked around you saw various things mostly dice and magic 8 balls of different types and colors but there was other stuff to but now was not the time to admire the items in the Serket pawn shop. You could do that later when you got out with your goods the goods a very interesting 8 ball that had dragons and other things all over it and you really wanted it. But... it was $100 so it was to expensive for you to buy since you barley got by as it was and barley had extra to spare so the only thing to do was steal it before someone else got it. You see you collect magic 8 balls so that's why you were trying to steal it. But as you were exiting the pawn shop with no one but you in the shop you tripped over your own feet someone caught you but not the 8 ball and it fell to the floor. You looked up to see who caught you and oh no it was Vrisk Serket the shops owner, crap.

"Wow you suck at shoplifting what's your name" He said a smirk quickly forming on his face. "Why should I tell you that" You snarled back. "Beeeeeeeecause if you do and do me a personal favor I won't call the police deal" He purred softly. "The names (f/n) (l/n) and what's this favor you speak of" You say going and picking up the 8 ball that had fell out of your clutches.
"Go to dinner with me" He said nonchalantly but this made you drop the 8 ball and just stare at the Serket mouth a gape at what he had just said and how he said it.
"You heard me oh and you have to put the 8 ball back". You just stared at him for a minute and then finally found your voice. "What if I don't put the 8 ball back and or don't go to dinner with you". "Then I call the police" after thinking it over you decided it would be best to follow the orders he gave you since he dose know your name. You exchanged cell phone numbers and you sadly very sadly put the 8 ball back where it belonged not in your hands.
"I'll pick you up at 8 ok" "That's fine".

*~~~* Time Skip brought to you by Vrisk's lusus *~~~*

You were as dressed up as you possibly could be which meant not very fancy you were wearing a (f/c) dress that reached to the floor and hugged your body that was strapless you were surprised to find this nice dress at a thrift shop for 25 cents seeing as you really don't have very much money. The dress covered up your black flats that match your black cover up little jacket thing (or whatever those things are called). You had just got done getting dressed when you heard a knock at the door. You answered the door expecting Vrisk to be in a less fancy outfit but you were wrong. He was wearing a nice cerulean suit, black dress shoes, and a red rose in his breast pocket. You were shocked at the sight of him he was dashing like a prince in a fairy tale.

"Are you ready (f/n)" he said a smirk on his face. Probably from me gawking at him you thought.

*~~~* Time Skip *~~~*

"Wow this place is so fancy how much money do you make out of that small pawn shop of yours" you asked simply out of curiosity and envy. "A lot I guess it really only depends how much you think is a lot but I guess I'm just lucky" he said his smirk growing 3 times in size.
You scoffed at the thought of Vrisk sitting on a bile of gold. As you were seated you fleet someone grab your ass and the man who sat you and who was also your waiter had a smirk on his face. You were about to slap him when Vrisk pushed you down into your chair and sat himself down while your waiter gave you your menus.

"Why were you staring at the waiter if you should be staring anyone its me" you were about to retort back your waiter a little to close to you asked what you would like to drink Vrisk got a simple water and you gave your waiter your best death glare while you asked for a (f/d).Your waiter ran off to get the drinks while Vrisk continued to question you.

"WHY" he whispered yelled. "I was about to slap him for touching my ass". "I'm sure it was an accident calm down" "If you saw his face you would say otherwise" "Fine if he Touches you again just tell me ok" "Fine". Your waiter came back and gave you your drinks. Dinner went as it should from then on and you started to really like Vrisk.

*~~~* Time Skip *~~~*

You were outside the restraint waiting on Vrisk when your waiter from dinner came up to you.
"Heeeey~ what's a pretty thing like you doing with a guy like that huh?" the waiter asked.
"None of your business asshole" you said venom dripping from your voice.
"Aaaawwwww~ come on baby I'm more of a man then that kid why don't you come to my house and we can have a little bit of fun?" he said trapping you between his arms against the wall. You tried to go under his arms but he grabbed your face roughly with his hand and made you look at him.

"I'm sorry but I don't like PRICKS" you spat and you were about to kick him where the sun don't shine when someone pushed the waiter off of you.
"Hey you ok (f/n)" Vrisk said obviously pissed "Yeah I'm fine Vrisk".
"So I'm not a man well at least I'm more of a man then you are" Vrisk said to the waiter who was on the ground holding his head in pain. The waiter said nothing but simply stood up and ran back into the restraint.
"Come on lets get you home (f/n)"
"Um yeah right"

*~~~* Time Skip to where your almost at your house *~~~*

"Hey Vrisk can we do this again sometime I actually had a lot of fun tonight"
"Yeah sure I'd like that oh and (f/n) I got you something".
Vrisk then stopped and started to look in a bag that you hadn't noticed before. Vrisk then pulled out a magic 8 ball from said bag. More specially the one you tried to steal earlier that day.
"I though you might like it" Vrisk said a smirk ever so present on his face.
"Wow Vrisk you are such an asshole you know that right" you nagged taking the 8 ball.
"Yeah but I'm your asshole"
"Yeah I guess" you said and before you could continue walking Vrisk pulled you to him and kissed you roughly but with love. This was sure to be an interesting relationship.  

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