My Candy Love - Dirk

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  Your POV

"DIIIRRRKK I'm broad can I go outside" you said floating around in your cell that Dirk had made. "No (f/n). You won't come back like last time I had to hunt you down if you don't remember" Dirk said with his usual poker face. "BUT DIIIRRRK I'M BORAD" you yelled, Dirk just sighed. "Then help me find out how to turn you back to normal" Dirk said staring at you intensely behind his anime sunglasses. "BUT DIIIIIIRRRRRRRKKK being a trickster is so much fun why can't you except me like this, and now that I'm a trickster I don't have to cry I can't cry, feel bad, or sad" you said while smiling. "Really then why are you crying" he said while getting up from his chair and then sticking his hand in the cell and wiped tears from your face and showed you his tear soaked hand. "Yeah you don't cry" Dirk said with a sigh.

Dirk's POV

I loved (f/n) I know that (s/he) is hurting deep down I don't know why (s/he) hasn't turned back to normal. Its been almost 5 months now (s/he) should have turned back by now. Then when (s/he) does I'll tell (her/him) how I feel about (her/him). I just wish that (f/n) would turn back already. BOOM!!!!!! A loud explosion dragged me out of my thoughts I flash stepped to where (f/n)'s cell was there was a hole in the wall and (f/n) was being held by some sort of monster. "(FFFFF/NNNNNN)" I yelled (f/n) looked at me (s/he) was almost back to normal. (s/he) still had the trickster color skim but (s/he) had (her/his) beautiful (e/c) eyes that I loved so much. The monster was like a giant wolf that was a deep red almost brown. It was looking me dead in the eyes and then ran off with (f/n). OH HELL NO!!!

Your POV

The monster was running away from Dirk. You didn't know why it was 20 times bigger than Dirk, so why run? It finally stopped and throw you against the cold hard ground knocking the air right out of you. Then bit into your side which caused you to start bleeding rapidly; the monster was then knocked away from you.

Dirk's POV

The monster just bit (f/n) OOOOOHHHHHHH HELL NNNOOO. I kicked the wolf and chopped off its head with one clear strike from my sword. I ran over to (f/n) who had turned back into her normal self. When I got there I gently picked (her/him) up and gently rocked (her/him) back and froth trying to calm myself down. "Dirk" (f/n) said barely a whisper. "Yeah its me" I whispered trying to choke down my tears. (s/he) was bleeding BADLY. "Dirk am.... Am I going to d-die" (s/he) said the same volume as before but fear laced (her/his) voice.

Your POV

You couldn't see anymore everything was to blurry to see. You asked the question that you knew was a yes. "Dirk am.... Am I going to d-die" you said tears coming to your eyes. Dirk didn't answer but just buried his head in your neck and started to sob. "I'm so sorry this is my fault" Dirk whispered into your ear that comment made you cry even more. "Dirk its not your fault. You didn't send that thing to kill me you were trying to help me and I'm going to tell you something really important, so I need you to look at me" you whispered. "Okay but I need to tell you something first (f/n) (l/n) I have been madly in love with you since I first saw you. The way you smile, your laugh, your just so beautiful" Dirk finished his tears running down his face and on to yours. You smiled the best you could through the pain you were feeling. "Dirk I love you to" you said tears still rolling down your face. Before you could say anything else Dirk captured your lips in the most passionate kiss you had ever had; you instantly kissed him back.

Dirk's POV

To my surprise (f/n) kissed me back; we stayed like that until (f/n) grew limp. I pulled away and I knew (s/he) was dead. I pulled (her/him) closer to me and cried into (her/his) lifeless body. What was I going to do now.    

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