Chapter 10

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It's been three weeks since the whole victoria thing and its a day till Bella's wedding. Im so happy for her. I find it funny how she sill can't walk in the shoes Alice gave her. Jacob stormed off somewhere after gettin the invertation. I sigh and look at the nerviouse Bella.

"You'll be fine." I say.

"Yes you will." Alice said.

Im not sure why but I had a feeling something bad will happen. I keep my mouth shut and look at bella as she stairs at Edward. Just thinking that the two of them will be married tomorrow, makes me smile. I go inside so Alice can talk to Bella about Wedding stuff. I was to the front door and I didn't know Edward was there till he spoke.

"You think something bad is going to happen?" He asked. I turn around to see him standing there as he leads agenst the door.

"I just have this feeling Bella's going to get hurt. I know you and your family wouldn't hurt her and I trust you all but I can't get rid of this feeling." I say. The more I thought about it the more it caused me to shiver.

"I would not let Bella get hurt. I would hive up my lafe f it ment she would be safe forever." He said. I smile.

"I know." I smile. "You had better be good to her. She's worried as it is." I say smiling. I could smell Seth's scent from a mile away. "If you could excuse me." I smile. I walk off in to the forrest. after a while I reached a little stream and Seth stud there.

"Hey." I say. He turned around and smiled, his famouse smile.

"Hey." He said jogging over. "I havn't seen you in a while." He said hugging and picking me up.

"One day Seth. It was only one day. But I did miss you a lot too." I smile as he put me down. He quickly pecked me on the lips.

"I think we need to tell the rest of the pack about you." He said.

"If I need to then of course but, why?" I asked.

"Sam's been smelling another wolfs and thinks theres a trespasser." Seth said. "You may end up getting hurt." He said. His arms around my waist and mine around his kneck.

"Fine." I say. "When?" I asked.

"Now." He said. He kissed me once before dragging me in the direction of a large cabin. We both phase on the way and the rest of the pack stair at me as we arrive. Seth phased back and so did I. The only thing is now Jacob saw. This wasn't going to end well.

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