Chapter 1

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Lynna- July 21

"He's coming," Bridgette hisses from the partially boarded up door.

"Shitake mushrooms," Lynna mutters, kicking a half-filled backpack underneath one of the beds. "Not now."

Two dream meets ago, the boys had told them about an amazing discovery- they all have elemental control! Judging by their experiences, the four friends know what power each of them exhibit, and dream meets have turned into training sessions. None of them are much good, however, but the Voice has been guiding them along.

The two girls pretend to act casual, which is hard to do when packing for an epic escape from a dangerous prison run by mad scientists who run tests on kids to make them evil and have powers to take over the world.

The door creaks open, and Mr. Carper's wicked sneer greets them. "Hello girls. I'm afraid that it's time to start adding onto your daily medications. We won't start with too much, but just enough to keep you angry and hateful for a lot longer." Lynna and Bridgette try not to look too alarmed and resist the urge to look at each other like, what are we going to do now?  But the girls know better than to resist; the scientists have already threatened what can happen to them if they don't obey. It's been a terrifying week.

Less than a minute later, two bodies drop to the ground, unconscious almost right away, much sooner than usual. Dr. Casey and Mr. Carper leave without bothering with the bodies; they do, however, pull out the needles imbedded in the girls' arms and take them with them.

Late afternoon sunlight seeps through the partially boarded up hole in the door by the time the girls come to. Bridgette groans and sits up beside Lynna. The harsh throbbing in Lynna's head feels almost normal to her now, and merely winces as she picks herself off the ground.

"What was that for?" Bridgette growls angrily.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Lynna shoots back.

"I'm pretty sure that someone bumped me, and the only other person around here is you," declares Bridgette.

"Oh, yeah? How do you know that you didn't hit yourself?"

"I'm not that stupid or clumsy."

"How do you know that you're not?"

By this time, a silent stream of water has slipped from the sink faucets, and with one quick jerk of Lynna's hand, it shoots straight at Bridgette. Bridgette easily conjures up a flame, turning the water to steam. Unfortunately for her, that little stream is only a diversion. Lynna silently commands a bucket-size amount of water to douse her friend from behind. The water smacks against Bridgette's back and a small bit splashes onto Lynna as well. Slowly the girls blink and look around them. They glance at each other, all anger seeping away, and they both slump to the ground for the second time in one day.

It's growing dark as two female silhouettes slowly stand up from their prostrate position on the floor for the second time that day.

"What happened?" Lynna groans.

"I think that something happened... like the water you splashed on us did something," Bridgette replies tightly, clutching her head.

Water can be destructive, and can also bring healing... Lynna can hear the Voice echoing in her head.

"I think I know what happened," she says aloud.

That night is an important dream meeting. Unfortunately, because of the increase of "medication" in the kids' injections, everyone appears to be in a bad mood. As soon as the clock strikes twelve, Lynna jumps up, awake in the dream meet, much more quickly than usual. She's armed and ready for when the boys shake themselves from their daze. Sure enough, after a few moments, Bridgette and the boys overcome the fuzziness of the in-between world of asleep and awake. George and Ammon immediately begin glaring at the girls.

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