Chapter 1

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Mei POV ( May )

I smiled as I woke up. What a wonderful morning. I sat up and stretched out my arms. I turned and saw that my partner wasn't next to me. I smiled at my foolishness. Of course he wasn't here.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed his white button up that was on the floor. I quickly put that over, rushed to the bathroom and washed up. I combed my long black hair and put it in a high ponytail.

I ran back to our room and threw on a pair of black leggings and grabbed my black ballet flats. I quickly put them on, grabbed my bag and left the apartment.

I ran down the streets and in and out of offices. It was a hectic day! See kids this is what happens when you don't pay your bills right away. Opps, I'm not changing my ways though !

After paying off the bills I went to a grocery store and bought a bunch of stuff. Today I was going to make sesame soba noddles. After getting the ingredients I ran down another block to grab a bottle of sake and some sake glasses.

By the time I knew it it was already late. I made the food and sat in down on the table. I covered it so it would stay warm and I went to go take a quick shower.

After I dried my hair and grabbed another white button up shirt. I put my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed a pair of heels I had that I only used around the house because the bottom was clean and not dirty.

I went into the dining area and prepared the sake. Right when I put my cup down the door opened. I rushed to the entrance and bowed. " Welcome home !"

" Your wearing my shirt again."

I looked and scratched the back on my neck.

" I'm sorry Arima but I look so cute in them, plus they smell like you!"

I don't know how Arima's apartment looks like so I'm just imagining that it's like Akira's.

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