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The night is quiet, moonlight drifting down the branches, illuminating the quiet forest. A young centaur lusus steps into a clearing, head tilting as another lusus moves somewhere in the undergrowth. It kneels, lowering to its knees, using its arms for balance. Laying on the ground, it yawns, rubbing its black eyes before going to sleep. A fairy bull drifts past, carefully avoiding the slumbering centaur and perches on a branch, beginning to snore softly. Silence falls, coating the forest in thick peace.

Sufferer's POV

I jolt up, a few fireflies flying around my head, startled. My ears perk up, straining for any noise drifting through the silence. I hear a heavy breath and turn, noticing a snoring center lusus. I sigh, looking up into the trees, slightly parted, showing the glowing moon.

"... honk..." I freeze, the soft noise echoing around the clearing. I feel every muscle in my body tense, my blood pumper freeze as my veins ran cold. I tried to gold my breath, eventually taking a few short breaths, trying to convince myself i had heard wrong. Footsteps neared, startling a fairy bull, making it fly off into the forest, snorting. The centaur, tired, not waking quite yet. I glance at it, pleading it not to move and give away our position

The steps halt and i allow a breath past my quivering lips, feeding my hungry lungs.

"..Honk...." i freeze again, then move slightly, crawling backwards, trying to make it to the undergrowth. A sharp rock juts into my palm, and i bite my lip, surpassing the scream, i whimper. The centaur is awake now, and beginning to get up, head whipping back and forth. It spots me, and growls, its mustache twitching as it snarls. I try to shush it, but it becomes aggravated, balling its fists. The footsteps come closer, right outside of the clearing, and i cursed, jolting to my feet and making a mad dash for the tree line.

"Fuck it!" i growl under my breath. I look behind me for a second and run into something hard, presumably a tree. But when i back away, i see a armor clad guard in front of me, snarling. I yelp, backing away only to bump into another. I try to shove my way through but hey had completely surrounded me, and they put me in shackles, dragging me away.

I wake up in a cell, chained to the wall, hanging, a few inches off the ground. I groan, and feel a sharp pain collide with my side. I yelp, and another blow is delivered, along with a growl.

"Be quiet low blooded scum." I stretch my feet, trying to touch the floor to give my wrists some slack. The guard in the cell walks out, locking the large door behind him, blacking out the cell. When my eyes grow used to the darkness, i look over to my left and right, seeing the the small windows, stills packed into cell after cell. Somewhere someone was crying, and then a small sceam echoed as the sobs suddenly stopped. Then a small thud. I feel my heart begin to race, i squeezed my eyes, trying to wish this all away. I wait, and wait, slowly blocking out the pain in my strained wrists, the scores and sobs of trolls, till i will myself in silence.

The cell walls are struck with something, making me jump,

"FEEDING TIME SCUM!" a guard yells from outside, walking along the hall. A jade blooded servant is shoved into my cell with a tray of food. She slowly feeds me, never taking her eyes off the floor, refusing to look at me. She leaves, and i hear trays being slid into cells. I cough, heaving, my shoulders aching from each jerk in my chest. A head peeps in the cell next to me, and i look over, hair matted, partially blocking my view.

"w-..." i cough again, before continuing. "W-where are we?" i groan, voice raw.

"The grand high blood's dungeons." I freeze. tilting my head back, making the hair in my face fall back so i can see clearly.

"why aren't we dead?"

"he likes to... to play with us, before he kills us, making us wait our turn before... before.. before using us to.. paint." I see the growing fear in his eyes and smile at him, my lips stretching painfully.

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