Chapter Ten

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Steel-toed boots clicking on the linoleum, Pearl strode through the high school halls. Students fell into step behind her, as if she were a Goth Pied Piper. By the time she reached her locker, she had a train of a dozen guys and girls. They joined the cluster of humans who were waiting for her arrival, which included the two wannabe hunters.

"Yo, Pearl," Chubby said.

"Really?" Tall said to him. "Did you just say 'yo'? No one says 'yo.'"

"I mean, yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate's life for me."

As she opened her locker, Pearl wondered whether it would be socially acceptable to hose down the humans around her. She smelled a mix of deodorant and sour perfume. The worst was the spicy sour odour that emanated from the two wannabe hunters. They must have doused themselves in body spray, a stench far worse than the normal human smell. At least the normal odour didn't ruin her appetite.

"Love to chat, boys," Pearl said. "But I have class."

"I'm in your history class and your English class," a girl with an orange shirt said. "I l-loved what you said to Mr. Barstow. He's a b-bully. You were really brave. My name's Melody." She held out her hand for Pearl to shake. Gingerly, Pearl shook it. Perhaps she could invest in some Clorox wipes.

"Dude, we have been utterly remiss in our function as guides," Tall said. "She needs names." The two of them proceeded to rattle off a string of human names while pointing to the people in a semicircle around Pearl's locker. "Casey, Alyson, James-don't-call-him-Jim, Girl with the Tattoo, Bill or Bob or Buddy, Zoe, That Guy, That Other Guy, Mackenzie, Hannah, Emma Z., Emma C., and Emily. . ." Each of them waved. One of the nameless guys piped up with his own name, but Tall cut him off. "Whatever, dude. You can't expect her to remember everyone. It's her second day. Lay off."

Chubby leaned closer and said, "Want us to clear them out for you?"

Pearl held up her hand to stop them. "Do you two have names?"

Tall smacked himself on the forehead. "Idiots."

"Appropriate," Pearl said.

Chubby executed a deep bow. "I'm Matt, and this is my trusty—"

"If you say 'steed,' I'm kicking your ass," Tall said. "My name's Zeke." He mimicked Matt's bow.

From behind her, Pearl smelled a deep musky scent that caused her fangs to ache. Someone smelled like breakfast. She turned to see that it was Evan.

He smiled at her. "Good morning, Pearl. Are the idiots bothering you?"

Crap, he looked even better than she remembered. Today he'd paired khakis with a white T-shirt, which showed off his delicious arms. As much as she wanted to drool, she had to stay focused. She had an audience. "I believe it's their mission in life," Pearl said.

He considered that. "Most likely," he said. He leaned against the lockers, seemingly oblivious to the audience of other students or his effect on her. "So, what's yours?"

She blinked at him. She'd thought she'd been paying attention to the conversation, not the lovely way his chest rose and fell as he breathed, but she'd missed the leap to his question. "Sorry?"

"Your mission in life," Evan said. "Why are you here? Not at your locker. But here, life here." He looked utterly sincere with his black eyes clear and bright.

For a brief second she imagined telling the truth, and that thought made her smile.

Coming up behind Evan, Bethany poked him in the shoulder and said, "No existential questions before nine a.m." Bethany flashed Pearl a smile. "Morning, Pearl! Wasn't that third calc problem a killer? I think I have it, but I barely slept last night." She looked remarkably perky for barely sleeping. In fact, she reminded Pearl of a very alert squirrel.

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