4. Oh Shit!

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I woke up at three a.m. the next morning. I knew there was no way I was going back to sleep. I sat up and looked around the room. This would be the last time I would sleep in this bed, or so I thought. I knew that it would only be my room for one more week, since I was going back to Heirion, but to be put out prematurely, was like a knife to the chest.

I got up and made the bed. After that, I cleaned up and put away everything. When there was nothing left for me to clean, I grabbed my Minnie Mouse bag and started packing. I put my favorite books, my IPod, and anything else that was of meaning to me in the bag. The necklace Jason gave me for my birthday, the ear rings my mom gave me for my thirteenth birthday.

The clothes my Aunt Lil gave me I put in another bag. All my favorite outfits and shoes that would fit in the other two bags I had came too. After I’d finished packing what I could and dragging the bags to my car, I took a shower and got ready for school. It was just a rehearsal for graduation, but I couldn’t miss any more days if I wanted to be valedictorian. I put on my favorite yellow tank top, blue jean cut off shorts, and yellow flip flops. 

I didn’t go to the fridge like I usually do. It’s not my fridge anymore. I just sat at the kitchen table and waited for 7:00 am. I started to be overwhelmed with memories of this kitchen. When me and my mom first painted it. We were covered in paint from head to toe, and then we ran outside and hosed ourselves down. We lay on the ground laughing for hours.

I thought about the day I lost my first tooth the night before picture day. I was crying hysterically. She sat me on the kitchen table and promised me that I would look beautiful no matter if I had all my teeth of none at all. Tears started falling down my face. I grabbed my pursed and walked out the door, leaving the house key on the kitchen table.

I sat in my car for a good fifteen minutes just crying. Then I sat there for another few minutes calming myself enough so I could drive. When I’d stopped sniffling, I started the ignition and drove to school.

It seemed that it took me forever to get to school. I parked and walked to the auditorium. Our school auditorium wasn’t connected to the rest of the school. We had to get a bigger auditorium, and the only place to put it was outside the school. It was great. It seated a thousand people, including the balcony. It had black leather theater seats that reclined with wrap around tables. Of course it had a huge stage with gold curtains with our mascot, a black panther, in the middle.

When I walked into the auditorium, three- fourths of the seniors were seated. I spotted Matt and Ash sitting towards the front. Matt still wasn’t talking to me, so I avoided sitting with them. I opted to sit in the middle by myself.

I decided to read a book from the library. It was the last book I had to read to complete my collection of read books. I’d just checked it out Thursday, and had yet to read it. It was a pretty thick book, having five hundred pages and really small print. I was just on page thirty, and if I didn’t hurry up, I wouldn’t finish it before I graduated. Yes, I could always just go to my local library and check the book out, but I wouldn’t be finishing twenty thousand books in four school years. I only had three more days to finish the book.

In a regular circumstance, I would’ve finished in three hours, but since I don’t have time like that anymore, it just might take me three days. Especially since I’m now homeless. Technically, I have a home, but who wants to commute two hundred miles every day just to go to school. I know I only have four more days, but I’ve grown to be really lazy.

Finally, our principal walked across our grand stage and grabbed the microphone.

Mr. Rusch, my principal, is about six feet with broad shoulders and a killer smile. He’s a little over thirty- five, but doesn’t look a day over twenty-five. He has dark grayish blue eyes that sparkle every time he laughs. His dark auburn hair was in a perfect short cut that accentuated his golden skin.

Embracing Truth: Truth Series, Book 2.....ON HOLD!!!!Where stories live. Discover now