Scene 2

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"...Forget it," with a heavy sigh, Rin lowered her tired arm. She focused her pupils on the floor, deciding it wasn't worth it.

"H-huh?" Gumi peered with a single eye, wondering what had happened. "Rin?" both her lids popped open once she noticed the girl looking away. "What are you doing? Aren't you going to beat me up?"

She slipped her thumbs into the straps of the skirt and shrugged. "Meh. I don't feel like it anymore."


"Well...I guess I just don't hate you enough to kick your ass," she shared a cheeky smile."By the way. Yuuma is all yours if you want him." 

Both of the green haired girl's eyes stayed barged open. She could not believe the words that came from Rin's mouth. "Really? You're not going to fight for his love anymore."

"I don't love that douche, remember?" she showed a genuine grin. "Sides, he's nowhere near close to my ty-APE!" a sudden amount of force collided with the blonde, cutting her off mid-sentence.

The source came from the green haired teen; wrapping herself around the small girl. "Thank you, Rin. I know our history started rocky, but I'm willing to start over and become friends if you're up for it?"

 A Scarlet colour invaded her cheek as the girl held a tight grip around her upper waist. She didn't return the gesture, but the wondrous warmth from Gumi's body in contact with her own was enough to make her smile. "Yeah... I'm up for it."     

With no fight taking place,; onlookers broke into collected boos and hisses. "For fuck's sake," Yuuma whispered under his breath, not pleased that he had to now deal with angry customers who demanded their entry fee's back. "Those bitches should have ripped each other apart," he thought to himself, trying to calm the unruly crowd.

Rin smirked as Gumi parted from her, amused by the whinny crowd."Ha! Look at them, acting like a bunch of starving animals. Yeah, you fuckers!" she stuck up two middle figures at the crowd, making them more agitated.  "How do you like this you ass-AH!" her cocky expression quickly turned grim when she noticed a horrible sight at the far end of the room.

"Rin!? What is i-OH MY GOD!" her eyes popped in terror; a single figure pointed at the horror ahead.

Almost in unison, the people turned around; screams bounced around the room once they noticed the danger.




Determination in her eyes, Gumi pushed through the frightened crowd in hunt of a certain individual. She soon found him staring in wide eyed terror at the unforgiving mix of orange and yellow flames. "Yuuma! YUUMA!" she finally got his attention after violently shaking him by the shoulders. "What's wrong with the sprinklers? Why aren't they activating?"

His brow raised. "Sprinklers? We never had sprinklers installed!"

"What!?" the mix of many, upsetting emotions caused her mouth to go all sorts of directions,  unsure which expression to stick with."Why didn't you install sprinklers? Especially when you knew you were going to be hosting open flames!?"

"They would've cost too much!"

"For crying out loud, Yuuma! Do you at least have some fire extinguishers nearby?"

"Do you think I'm made out of money, woman!" his voice became more defensive; acting as if he had done no wrong.

Such irresponsibility caused her eyes to flare up like a second raging flame; ready to lash out at him for blatantly disregarding health and safety protocols for profit. She decided it was best to bit her tongue and save the scolding for later, right now she needed to keep a level head. "Ok everyone! I know this is a scary situation, but we need to stay calm and leave in a nice and orderly-"

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