Prologue / Introduction

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I step out to the stage. Bright lights hitting my face. My dress flows as I walk out, the crowd cheering goes silent. The music plays and I start to sway. My curly red hair bouncing as a jump and sway. This is it. The moment I lived my whole life for. My loving family cheering in the front row. But then it hits me. If I fall or miss a step at any moment I'm done. This is all or nothing. Make it or break it...

Chapter One

I'm awaken by the sun peaking through my curtains, and also the smell of bacon. I swiftly fall out of my bed and follow the smell down the hallway to the kitchen. My mom hunched over the oven humming away.

"Morning Ma." I say as a slide into my seat at the table.

"Buenos dias, Linda." she says as she slides my plate of bacon and eggs on the table and sits across from me. "How'd you sleep?"

"Like a baby." I say tying up my curly red poof in a bun. "Y tù?(and you)"

"So so. Its like the people upstairs have bricks for feet." we both laugh. My mom looks worn. Her wavy black hair is pulled back in a frizzy ponytail and her brown eyes have bags under them. We had a lot on our plates lately.

Me and my mom moved to a new apartment in Brooklyn so we can start new. Also to finally follow my dreams of getting into Laguardia Arts School for my final year of high school. It has been my dream for as long as I can remember. Ever since I knew dancing was my dream. And when I got the letter that I was in I almost died, of excitement. It very rare that they have seats for 12 grade students.

"Where's abuelita?" I ask as I shovel some eggs in my mouth and bite a piece of my overcooked bacon.

"Supermarket, she wants to have a gran cena(big dinner) for your day before senior year."

Damn. I had totally forgotten I have school tomorrow. I haven't shopped at all. I wasn't ready for school. And I, being completely honest, am scared. I was never the new kid before. I was always miss popularity, but now no one can give two poops about me. "I need to go shopping ma!" I yell startling her. My mom gets up from her seat and reaches for her purse. She takes out her card wallet and tosses her credit card to me.

"Knock yourself out." she winks and grabs my empty plate placing it in the sink.

"Are you sure?" staring at the piece of plastic like its a block of gold.

"Sì, sì. Now get out of my hair, I recorded my novelas last night."

On that note I run and shower and slip on my Biggie Smalls tee, jeans, and my Jordan bred 11s. Yes I'm that kind of Puerto Rican that wears Jordans all the time. I fix my curly hair so I have somewhat perfect S-curls and dash out the door. Thank god I'm a walking distance from Kings Plaza mall.

I hate shopping alone. I never had to before, but since I have zero friends in Brooklyn I sorta have to. I can imagine how lonely I look searching the racks. Pushing my loneliness aside, I look in my main stores Forever 21, H&M, Charlotte Russe, and Victoria Secrets. I find about 10 outfits and three bras and panties. My feet start to ache so I find my way to Sbarros and order a meat lovers pizza.

"I love a woman that can eat."I hear a voice say as they sit in front of me. I look up and see Marquise. He's some boy from my apartment that won't leave me alone. I mean, he's cute but super annoying.

"Leave me alone!" I say grabbing my bags and tray placing it in the garbage.

"I can't you're just that cute." he says following me as I walk toward the exit.

I blush, trying to hold back my smile. "I know, I try." I joke as I flip my hair. I turn to face him and he towers over me at 6"1, while I'm 5"4. "But you have got to stop following me."

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