6. Now you're worrying me...

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Robert's P.O.V

"You have a heck of a lot to explain" I whispered so the others down stairs wouldn’t hear.

 We were in Ethan's room, he wouldn’t leave Liz in any other room. He had laid her down on his bed and as soon as mom left, I started with the questioning.

"Didn't you tell me you like Hayley?" I asked him standing at the foot of the bed watching him brush her hair away from her face.

"Yeah, I did. But this is different." He said keeping his voice low as well. He stroked her cheek. "Its different with her. I feel this weird sensation inside me." He looked at me. "I don’t know how to explain it. And I don't think you'll be able to understand if I did."

I raised an eyebrow. "Since when did you fall in love?" I joked.

He shrugged, "I guess its since I met her."

I paced across the room. "Ok, since you like Liz, what were you doing with Hayley earlier today?"

"I just wanted to see Liz's reaction.  You know, see how she reacts when I'm with someone else." He grinned. "I always wanted to try that."

"Dude, you've always done that." I informed him. "When ever you had a girlfriend, you went and made her jealous by flirting with other girls."

"Like I said, this is different. First, she's not my girlfriend. Second she doesn’t even like me." he said with a calm face.

"And your okay with that?" I asked confused.

"I know she still likes that other guy, Max. I'm okay with that. I just don’t want her to be hurting, I don’t want her to suffer because he died. I know it'll be hard for her, since she really did love him."

I stared at him bewilder.  "Who are you and what have you done to Ethan?" Since when did the real Ethan say these kinds of things? "What got into you?"

He grinned. "Surprised huh?"

"Scared actually." I faked shivered. "But only one thing" I raised a finger signaling one. "Don't play with Hayley. I know she likes you. You're going to hurt her if you use her."

He nodded. "Won't do it again." He kissed her cheek before heading out the door. "But you really can't stop a guy from flirting."  I heard him mutter.

I sighed.

"Oh" he stood in front of the door. "I didn’t say any of this alright. So don't go telling people about it."

"Alright, alright. I'll keep it a secret." I said walking after him.

"And don't go back in my room again."

I laughed.


Liz's [P.O.V]

I felt… empty, and I felt sick.

I've been crying too much. Probably more than I had before.

I stretched my hand, searching for the guitar. I needed to get inside before my parents started worrying. I looked for it but all I could feel was something soft and warm.  I tried sitting up but my head started hurting. I held it with both my hands. This is ridiculous. Why does it hurt so much? I didn’t get drunk while crying, did I? Ugh, I need to take something for this.

I opened my eyes and nearly yelped. Where was I?

I looked around. I don't remember this room in my house.  I scrambled off the bed I had been sleeping in, falling in the process and hitting my head. This just made my headache worse.  Ouch, why was I so clumsy these days. I might kill myself if I continued like this…..

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